New Expert Panel to advise governments in Atlantic Canada on Climate Change Adaptation

The Atlantic Climate Adaptation Solutions Association (ACASA) introduced today the nine members of its first Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation.

The panel, made up of leading researchers in the physical and social sciences, will promote awareness, understanding, and integration of climate change adaptation research. It will also provide guidance to provincial and local governments in regards to adaptation strategies to address the impacts of climate change in communities and ecosystems.

The panel will provide peer-review of papers, reports and activities, and will produce an annual communiqué to governments and the general public on the state of climate change adaptation science and policy.

'The Atlantic Region is witnessing changes to our climate today that are affecting our fisheries, our agriculture, our tourism and our natural environment. This expert group will be able to guide governments and the general public on how we can grasp the opportunities arising from these climate changes', said Dr. Adam Fenech, Chair of the Expert Panel and Director of UPEI's Climate Research Lab, host of ACASA's RACII. 'It is wonderful to see such esteemed knowledge in one room to address the important question of how society will adapt to climate change.'

The nine members of the expert panel are:

  • , 69´«Ã½
  • , Mount Allison University
  • , Dalhousie University
  • , University of New Brunswick
  • , Memorial University
  • Réal Daigle, retired Environment Canada
  • , University of Waterloo
  • , University of Western Ontario
  • , Dalhousie University

The panel will meet in person at least once a year and will represent the expert knowledge in climate change impacts and adaptation for Atlantic Canada.

The Atlantic Regional Adaptation Collaborative (ACASA) is a collaboration between Natural Resources Canada and the four Atlantic provinces. ACASA is operated with federal support through Natural Resources Canada's Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program, and support from each of the Atlantic provinces. Learn more at .


For Information:

Dave Atkinson, Research Communications, UPEI


Member Biographies
Atlantic Canada Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation

Trevor Bell, Ph.D., Professor
Department of Geography
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Dr. Bell is Professor of Geography and Archaeology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. His area of research expertise is landscape history from a variety of perspectives, including geological evolution, climate change impacts and human adaptation. His research approach is strongly interdisciplinary and collaborative, involving a range of disciplines in the earth, life, and social sciences. He has 30 years of field experience in Arctic and Atlantic Canada and for the past decade has worked closely with communities on co-designed research priorities. One such project is the Nunatsiavut Government-led SakKijânginnatuk Nunalik, a broad integrated research program that aims to inform best practices and provide guidance for community sustainability in northern Labrador. Trevor leads the IRIS (Integrated Regional Impact Study) team in the Eastern Canadian Arctic for ArcticNet, a Network of Centres of Excellence in Canada.

David L. Burton, Ph.D., P.Ag., Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University

Dr. Burton is Soil Scientist and a Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences in the Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University. Dr. Burton's research examines the role of the soil environment in influencing the nature and extent of microbial metabolism in soil. His current research programs involve an examination of the production and consumption of greenhouse gases in natural and agricultural landscapes, influence of climate on soil biological processes, and the assessment of the quality of the soil biological environment and its influence on overall soil quality. It is the aim of this work to better understand the factors that control microbial metabolism and to use this information to developing sustainable land management systems in a changing climate. Dr. Burton was a member and co-author of the Options Paper for the Agriculture Table in National Climate Change Process and was the Chair of Canadian Agricultural Research Council's Expert Committee on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. He was also a contributing author to the Atlantic Chapter of Environment Canada's From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate.

Réal Daigle, Director
R. J. Daigle Enviro

Réal Daigle has previously worked as a Meteorologist and Program Manager with Environment Canada for a combined total of 37 years in various parts of Canada, including Nova Scotia, the Yukon, Newfoundland and Labrador, and New Brunswick. Between 2003 and 2007 he coordinated the research for an important climate change adaptation project entitled Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of southeastern New Brunswick. Following his retirement from Environment Canada in 2007, he has been providing consultation services in meteorology and climate change sciences. In the past three years, he has prepared sea-level rise and storm-surge flooding estimates for many New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick First Nations coastal communities as a tool for climate change adaptation to year 2100. He specializes in the use of GIS software (ArcGIS, Global Mapper) to display flooding scenarios on LiDAR-derived 3-dimensional terrain digital models.

Adam L. Fenech, Ph.D. Director
Climate Research Lab

Dr. Fenech has worked extensively in the area of climate change since the IPCC First Assessment Report in 1988. He has edited 7 books on climate change, most recently on Climate Impacts and Adaptation Science. Dr. Fenech has worked for Harvard University researching the history of the science/policy interfaces of climate change. He has represented Canada at international climate negotiating sessions; written climate policy speeches for Canadian Environment Ministers; and authored Canadian reports on climate change to the United Nations. Dr. Fenech has taught at the University of Toronto as well as the Smithsonian Institution for almost 20 years, and lectures regularly at universities across Canada and around the world. He is presently the Director of the 69´«Ã½'s Climate Research Lab that conducts research on the vulnerability, impacts and adaptation to past and future climate change.

Michael Fox, Ph.D. Professor
Department of Geography and Environment
Mount Allison University

Dr. Fox is a professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Mount Allison University. He has been actively involved in the Atlantic Canada Adaptations Solutions Association and the New Brunswick Regional Adaptations Collaborative over the past three years. Michael is part of the United Nations/UNESCO Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development for Atlantic Canada where he has been researching and teaching on local municipalities and rural communities and their adaptation strategies as part of their planning processes. Michael's recent research has focused on education, communication and awareness of climate change at the local level. Fox is the former Vice President Academic and Research at Mount Allison University and has held similar positions at the University of Winnipeg and Bishop's University.

Van Lantz, Ph.D. Professor and Acting Dean
Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management
University of New Brunswick

Dr. Van Lantz received his PhD in economics from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. He joined the University of New Brunswick in 2000. His research is focused on cost-benefit and economic impact analysis of environmental and natural resources. Recent climate-related initiatives include: contributing to a 2011 report by the National Roundtable on Environment and Economy on the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation in Canadian forests; publishing findings of an NRCan-funded project on climate-induced flooding costs along the St. John River in New Brunswick; and publishing findings of an AAFC-funded project on the economic impacts of climate change on agricultural crops in northern New Brunswick. Other projects and publications relate to the analysis of factors affecting national and regional carbon dioxide emission trends, and assessing federal/provincial climate change policies.

Patricia Manuel, Ph.D., Associate Professor
School of Planning, Dalhousie University

Dr. Manuel holds a BA (Carleton) and MSc (McGill) in Physical Geography and PhD (Dalhousie) in Interdisciplinary (Environmental) Studies. She joined Dalhousie University School of Planning in 2001 after teaching Environmental Planning at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design from 1988. She holds a regular appointment as Associate Professor with the School of Planning, where she is also the School Director starting in January 2014. She holds a cross-appointment in the School of Occupational Therapy. She is also a visiting faculty member with the University Centre of the Westfjords, Akureyri University, Iceland. Her teaching, research and practice are in the broad areas of environmental and community planning, more specifically, coastal planning, climate change adaptation planning, community design and health, wetlands interpretation and management, and watershed planning. She is a full member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (MCIP) and the Atlantic Planners Institute (API) and a Licensed Professional Planner (LPP) in Nova Scotia. She has served on advisory committees on planning matters locally and regionally, including the Halifax Harbour Solutions project (sewage management), and management planning for the McNabs and Lawlor Islands Provincial Park (Halifax Harbour). She continues to serve as a member of the Park Advisory Committee. She is currently a member of the Canadian Climate Change and Coastal Risk Assessment Scientific Advisory Committee. She is dedicated to local community service providing expertise on planning and environment issues to watershed groups and ENGOs. She has also served on the board of directors of local community development and environmental organizations including the Captain William Spry Community Centre, the Ecology Action Centre, the MacIntosh Run Watershed Association, and the Williams Lake Conservation Company.

Gordon McBean, CM, O.Ont, PhD, FRSC, Director Research and External Relations
Centre for Environment and Sustainability and Policy Studies, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Western University

Dr. McBean has been involved nationally and internationally in climate change related studies for over 30 years. He was a lead author for the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment and Convening Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Climate Extremes and an author of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th reports. He was Chair of the international Science Committee for the World Climate Research Programme and later for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. He is Chair, Canadian Climate Forum and Advisory Board for the Ontario Climate Consortium and formerly Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. Internationally, he is President-elect of the International Council for Science and President of Global Change START International. He was previously Professor of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences at University of British Columbia and Assistant Deputy Minister in Environment Canada responsible for climate, weather and air quality sciences and services (1994-2000). He has been appointed a Member of the Order of Canada (2008), Order of Ontario (2010), Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal and is a Fellow of the: Royal Society of Canada; Royal Canadian Geographical Society; American Meteorological Society; and Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.

Daniel Scott, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Canada Research Chair (Global Change and Tourism)
University of Waterloo

Dr. Scott is a Canada Research Chair in Global Change and Tourism and the Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He has worked extensively in the area of climate change and tourism, including collaborations with the United Nations World Tourism Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, the World Meteorological Organization, and several tourism organizations and ministries across Canada. Dr. Scott has been a contributing author and expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third, Fourth, and Fifth Assessment Reports and is currently also on the Advisory Committee to the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism.

69´«Ã½mourns the passing of honorary degree recipient Dr. Charlie Scranton

The 69´«Ã½ extends its condolences to the family of Charles Scranton, CM, LLD who passed away on December 10, 2013 at the age of 97. Dr. Scranton received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University in 2005.

"Charlie Scranton made an outstanding contribution to his country as a second world war veteran and as a champion of the agricultural sector,' said President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz. 'The community has lost a great man who had a long and distinguished career and gave tremendously to his community.'

Born near Guysborough, N.S. in 1916, Charles Stewart Scranton graduated from Guysborough Academy and then studied agriculture at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and business at Northern Vocational School in Toronto.

Following service during World War II, he began a 32-year career with the Federal Government, moving to PEI in 1940. His first position was that of Poultry Fieldman and he was eventually promoted to the position of Inspector in Charge of the Poultry Division of Agriculture Canada for PEI, retiring early to devote his full time to the raising and promotion of Hereford cattle. The high quality Herefords of Scranton Park Ranch achieved national fame.

Dr. Scranton was inducted into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1981, served as president of the Canadian Hereford Association in 1983, and was later placed on its honour roll. In 1989, the Hereford show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto was named in his honour. Scranton was secretary-treasurer of the PEI Hereford Association for a decade and represented the province as a director of the Maritime Beef Testing Society for 19 years. He also served on the board for the PEI Federation of Agriculture and the PEI Provincial Exhibition, which presented him with a plaque for 50 years of meritorious service. He became member of the Order of Canada in 2006.

In addition to his contributions in agriculture, Scranton spent many years in service to his community-he was past vice-president of the Maritime Baptist Convention, and was co-founder of Camp Seggie in Rice Point, one of the largest Baptist camps in Atlantic Canada.

In 2010, Dr. Scranton was interviewed for the digitized 'Island Voices' collection as part of the Island Archives at UPEI's Robertson Library. where he talks about his birth, his ancestors and the family farm, his parents, fishing and farming, the Guysborough area, religion, the Moases Coady Institute, his brothers, his first jobs, his work with poultry, and various other topics.

69´«Ã½announces Don McDougall as Chancellor-Elect

The 69´«Ã½ announced today that alumnus, donor, and honorary degree recipient Don McDougall has been unanimously elected as the eighth Chancellor of the University for a four-year term. An installation date is not yet confirmed, but the ceremony will take place early in 2014.

'It is an honour to officially announce Dr. Don McDougall as the University's Chancellor-Elect,' said 69´«Ã½President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz. Abd-El-Aziz, along with 69´«Ã½Board of Governors Chair Tom Cullen, co-chaired the Chancellor Electoral Committee.

'The unanimous decision and positive comments regarding Dr. McDougall's leadership, experience, and reputation speaks volumes to his character, and to his expected success in this pivotal leadership position. I congratulate Don on his new role as Chancellor and thank him sincerely for his dedication to the 69´«Ã½.'

McDougall spent his formative years in Bloomfield, PEI before attending both St. Dunstan's High School and University. He taught high school in Summerside before moving to London, Ontario to attend the University of Western Ontario (UWO) where he completed his Master of Business Administration degree in 1961. He spent the next 12 years in managerial positions with the Labatt Brewing Company, and then served as President from 1973-79.

He acquired Stratford, Ontario-based Novatronics Inc. in 1983, and over the next 20 years, expanded his aerospace company globally before selling to Curtis-Wright Inc. in 2003. He continued to be involved in a number of private and public companies and organizations including Rambri Management, Burlington's Investments, eJust Systems, Systemhouse Inc., St. Raymond Paper Company, The Science and Technology Fund, and Slemon Park Corporation.

In several nomination letters, McDougall was described as having strong connections to the business community in Canada and exceptional networking skills, with a demonstrated interest in higher education at UPEI, Holland College, UWO, and other Canadian post-secondary education institutions.

McDougall and his wife Marion are no strangers to UPEI. Dr. McDougall is a graduate of St. Dunstan's University (SDU) while Mrs. McDougall is both a PWC and SDU alumna. In addition to having attended the University, the McDougalls have been great benefactors to UPEI, with the innovative Don and Marion McDougall Hall having been named in their honour in 2008. McDougall Hall is home to the Centre for Life-long Learning, School of Business, and Co-operative Education programs.

Nominators also noted McDougall's extensive involvement in the community, including his role as past chair of the Board of Governors of UWO, as well as serving on the Ivey Business School of UWO's Advisory Board for nine years. In 1976, he was elected Canada's 'Baseball Man of the Year' and was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame for his tireless efforts in bringing a major league baseball franchise-the Toronto Blue Jays-to Toronto.

'This is an unexpected, but much appreciated honour. Both Marion and I graduated from 69´«Ã½and have a deep debt of gratitude to our Alma Mater,' said McDougall. 'As Chancellor, I will strive to contribute constructively to the governance of the University and will engage with and motivate our students to excel in their chosen professions.'

McDougall and his wife currently reside in Stratford, Ontario and have a summer residence in Ebbsfleet, PEI. McDougall will replace the University's seventh chancellor William E. 'Bill' Andrew who was installed in 2005 and whose extended term concludes in 2013.

For information:
Nicole Phillips
Manager, Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0947, (902) 388-1832,

UPEI’s Matthew Maione scores in gold medal win

Team Canada defeated Kazakhstan 6-2 today in the gold medal match of the Men's Ice Hockey tournament at the Gianmario Scola Arena in Canazei, Italy as part of the 26th Winter Universiade Trentino 2013. Canada also won the Women's tournament yesterday.

The Canadian men's squad, comprised entirely of players from the Atlantic University Sport conference including 69´«Ã½Panthers Matthew Maione, Chris DeSousa, Alex Wall, Wayne Savage, and coach Forbes MacPherson, went 5-1 through the tournament only losing to Kazakhstan last Sunday in round-robin play.

'On behalf of the entire 69´«Ã½community and Panther fans, I congratulate Matthew, Chris, Wayne, Alex and Coach Forbes MacPherson on a job well done! I am so proud of how our Panthers represented our University, the AUS conference, and the country in Italy,' said 69´«Ã½President and Vice-Chancellor Abd-El-Aziz. 'We all look forward to celebrating their win with them in the New Year.'

69´«Ã½Panthers defenceman Maione scored the team's third goal at 7:16 in the first period when his long-range shot was deflected to the back of the net.

UNB's Chris Culligan scored two goals while Acadia's Mike Cazzola, Josh Day of St. FX, Nick MacNeil of UNB, and Maione added single markers. MacNeil finished third in tournament scoring with 10 points, including seven goals.

The AUS all-stars also won men's hockey gold in 2007 in Turin, Italy.

Congratulations Team Canada!

Native Islanders Ashley and Andrews commit to Men’s Hockey Panthers

69´«Ã½Men's Hockey Head Coach Forbes MacPherson is pleased to announce that Halifax Mooseheads star forwards Darcy Ashley and Brent Andrews have committed to join the Panthers for the 2014-15 season.

'Our 69´«Ã½Men's hockey program is very proud to add top quality individuals and players like Brent and Darcy,' said MacPherson. 'These two guys are winners, they are strong and responsible players in all facets of the game, and they are proud Islanders. This is a great announcement for the future of our program.'

Ashley, a native of Alberton, and Andrews of Hunter River, are completing their final season in the QMJHL with Halifax. The two were key contributors to the Mooseheads' QMJHL Championship and Memorial Cup Championship wins last season.

For Andrews, choosing 69´«Ã½for the next step in his hockey career was a decision that came down to a desire to help build a championship team in his home province.

'It will be great to be part of something special at UPEI. Islanders are hard working hockey people and true hockey fans that deserve a championship,' said Andrews, a 6'2,' 205 lb centre and a 7th-round draft choice of NHL's Nashville Predators. 'It will be nice to be able to play at home after five years of being away.'

Ashley said playing with the Panthers is an honour and is hoping to add to his championship résumé.

'After winning (the Memorial Cup), you are always left with a taste for it and the will to keep winning,' said the 5'5,' 175 lb right winger who has scored over 20 goals in each of the past two seasons with the Mooseheads. 'It would be great to win a championship at home and play in front of family and friends on a regular basis. The team has been taking great steps forward and I hope to be a big part of the next steps.'

As for fitting in at the university level, Ashley said he is willing to play whatever role the coaching staff demands of him.

'The AUS is a gritty, fast-paced league. Hard work will take a person a long way and I plan on being ready to produce and help bring the team success,' said Ashley, who was named 2012-13 'Hardest Working Player' in the QMJHL.

Both forwards are in the midst of career-best seasons in the QMJHL. Andrews has 16 goals and 37 points, while Ashley has contributed 14 goals and 41 points. Though they will remain focused on the remainder of their junior season, the pair will be keeping a close eye on the Panthers.

'The Panthers have a lot of talent and character and are an exciting team to watch. Darcy and I often talk about it, and we are excited to be part of it all next season,' said Andrews.

'We are pleased that Darcy and Brent have both committed to 69´«Ã½and to Panther Hockey. Having followed both of their careers, there is no doubt that the addition of these two quality individuals will have a significant impact not just in the arena but on the 69´«Ã½campus as well,' said 69´«Ã½Athletics and Recreation Director Bill Schurman. 'This opportunity to add quality individuals with character, talent, and experience, combined with deep Island roots will contribute to a bright future.'

Special holiday offerings are now available from 69´«Ã½Athletics and Recreation for a 69´«Ã½Men's Hockey season pass for the remaining regular season games for only $99. Purchasers get to pick their seat and have first option on playoff seating. For more information, visit Panther Central or call 566-0368.

For information:
Ron Annear
69´«Ã½Athletics & Recreation
(902) 566-0991

69´«Ã½and University of Tsukuba provide students with cultural exchanges

The 69´«Ã½ and the College of Comparative Study at Japan's University of Tsukuba signed an agreement earlier this year that provides students with worthwhile international exchange opportunities.

Rose Leger, fourth-year arts student at UPEI, was selected for the exchange program and will spend a semester in Japan, before returning home in February. Leger was also the lone student selected by the University of Tsukuba to receive the Takase Scholarship for visiting students, which will help support her stay in Japan. She will be focusing on gender and cultural studies and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to be exposed to Japan's culture.

'I do not know if my slight understanding of Japanese culture is Hollywood based from movies and TV shows, so I am looking forward to experiencing the culture firsthand,' said Leger before departing for Japan.

Japanese students Aya Jonen and Koudai Kai arrived in PEI for the Fall semester and immediately noticed the friendliness of both 69´«Ã½and PEI. For fourth-year student Jonen, her love for Anne of Green Gables brought her to PEI, as she is currently working on an honours thesis on Lucy Maud Montgomery's fictional character. Kai, a third-year student who studied religion, politics, history, and women's studies while on PEI appreciated UPEI's course structure as it fit in nicely with his schedule, and provided him with the opportunity to get involved in campus-life activities.

'This is the beginning of a longstanding relationship, with plenty of opportunities for students from Canada and Japan, now and in the future,' said 69´«Ã½International Partnerships Coordinator Sherilyn Acorn-LeClair.

The 69´«Ã½and University of Tsukuba agreement has been in effect since the Fall semester, and will remain in effect for an initial five-year period. Interested students are asked to contact Sherilyn at (902) 894-2837 or

69´«Ã½curling teams claim provincial titles on road to AUCC

69´«Ã½congratulates Panther curling skips Veronica Smith and Kyle Holland who claimed the PEPSI Provincial Junior (Under 21) Curling Championships with their respective teams on Monday, December 23, 2013. Smith defended her title while Holland beat the defending champion Tyler Smith and his Montague Curling Club team. These wins certainly boost the teams' confidence as they get set to take part in the 2014 Atlantic University Curling Championship (AUCC), January 3-5, 2014 at the Capital Winter Club in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

The tournament, hosted by the University of New Brunswick, will see six women's teams and five men's teams compete for the right to represent Atlantic Canada at the national CIS/CCA University Curling Championship.

The 69´«Ã½women's curling team consisting of skip Veronica Smith, third Jane DiCarlo, second Emily Gray, and lead Aleya Quilty, will take on Saint Mary's University in their first game of the competition at 7:00 pm on Friday, January 3, 2014. The winner will then compete against St. Francis Xavier University on Saturday, January 4 at 9:00 am. The women's team is coached by Paul Smith.

On the men's side, skip Kyle Holland, third Connor MacPhee, second Andrew Cameron, and lead Taylor McInnis will meet Memorial University in their first match on January 3 at 7:00 pm. The winner will advance to the semifinal match on January 4 at 7:00 pm.

69´«Ã½wishes both teams the best of luck as they compete for one of two spots to represent Atlantic Canada at the CIS/CCA University Curling Championship, March 19-23 in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Go Panthers Go!

For information:

Ron Annear

69´«Ã½Athletics & Recreation

(902) 566-0991,

69´«Ã½Wind Symphony brings holiday sounds to historic church

The 69´«Ã½Wind Symphony performed its final recital of the Fall semester at the end of November at the St. Dunstan's Basilica in downtown Charlottetown. The change in venue ensured all Wind Symphony patrons were able to attend and can take advantage of the architectural and aesthetic beauty that St. Dunstan's offers.

Under the direction of Dr. Karem Simon, the Wind Symphony performed several symphonic masterworks of the wind band genre-one of the most ambitious Fall programs in its history. Among the featured works was 'Endurance' by the American composer Timothy Mahr. According to the composer, the work is a musical reflection upon the infinite endurance of the human spirit, the religious spirit, and the spirit of the earth. Initial inspiration for the piece came from a book of the same title by Alfred Lansing documenting the amazing story of the ill-fated expedition of the Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton in 1914-1916. His ship, the Endurance, became ice-bound and eventually sank, stranding Shackleton and his crew of 27. They experienced over 15 months of life exposed to the unrelenting, dangerous Antarctic weather, and, miraculously survived to tell it. The strength of character exhibited by these men in enduring incredible hardships is truly awe-inspiring.

Click for a video of the performance that drew crowds - young and old - as part of the 69´«Ã½Wind Symphony's community outreach and engagement.

69´«Ã½hosts international New Year’s Day Levee

Over 400 guests were welcomed by a large group of international students and treated to some food from different countries at the 69´«Ã½'s New Year's Day levee, reflecting UPEI's growing multicultural campus.

69´«Ã½Alumni Association President Bruce Davison, 69´«Ã½President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, and 69´«Ã½Board of Governors Chair Tom Cullen hosted the annual New Year's Day event in Don and Marion McDougall Hall's Schurman Market Square.