Campus Notices

As we are about to move to a new Moodle in September, our multistage rollout continues! Our first stage continues with another 5-week summer session in what's new and better about the new Moodle! The sessions run from July 8-August 9 meeting face to face once a week and have some online exercises to be completed between sessions. If you are interested in taking the course, please take two minutes to fill in the following form regarding which day you want to attend: There will be further updates regarding the new Moodle rollout in the weeks to come, so keep your eyes open for campus notices and the Campus Connector! If you have any questions, please send them to
A seminar with Evan O'Connor, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto, will be held on Wednesday, July 3 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. The presentation is titled “Core-Collapse Supernovae: Essentials to Explosions". The seminar will be held in Room 204 in the Duffy Science Building. A seminar with Dr. Claudiu Gradinaru, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, will be held on Tuesday, July 9 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The presentation is titled ""Fuzzy" Structures: on the Role of Electrostatics in Intrinsically-disordered Proteins." The seminar will be held in Room 423 in the Duffy Science Building.

As we are about to move to a new Moodle in September, our multistage rollout continues! Our first stage continues with another 5-week summer session in what's new and better about the new Moodle! The sessions run from July 8-August 9 meeting face to face once a week and have some online exercises to be completed between sessions. If you are interested in taking the course, please take two minutes to fill in the following form regarding which day you want to attend: There will be further updates regarding the new Moodle rollout in the weeks to come, so keep your eyes open for campus notices and the Campus Connector! If you have any questions, please send them to
Rand Askalan MD, PhD, FRCPC, Department of Neurology, The Hospital for Sick Children and Assistant Professor Paediatrics, University of Toronto will give a seminar entitled "Neuroprotection for the Ischemic Developing Brain: can we do better?" on Wednesday, July 3 at 2:00 pm in AVC, Lecture Theatre "B". Dr. Askalan is a paediatric neurologist at the world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She has a long-standing interest in the consequences and treatment of cerebral ischemia in infancy and combines her clinical duties with basic science investigations of the mechanisms of cell death in the neonatal brain. Her talk will describe some of her exciting recent findings in the lab and place them into a clinical context for improved treatment of stroke in newborns. Everyone is welcome.
As we are about to move to a new Moodle in September, our multistage rollout continues! Our first stage continues with another 5-week summer session in what's new and better about the new Moodle! The sessions run from July 8-August 9 meeting face to face once a week and have some online exercises to be completed between sessions. If you are interested in taking the course, please take two minutes to fill in the following form regarding which day you want to attend: There will be further updates regarding the new Moodle rollout in the weeks to come, so keep your eyes open for campus notices and the Campus Connector! If you have any questions, please send them to
Rand Askalan MD, PhD, FRCPC, Department of Neurology, The Hospital for Sick Children and Assistant Professor Paediatrics, University of Toronto will give a seminar entitled "Neuroprotection for the Ischemic Developing Brain: can we do better?" on Wednesday, July 3 at 2:00 pm in AVC, Lecture Theatre "B". Dr. Askalan is a paediatric neurologist at the world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She has a long-standing interest in the consequences and treatment of cerebral ischemia in infancy and combines her clinical duties with basic science investigations of the mechanisms of cell death in the neonatal brain. Her talk will describe some of her exciting recent findings in the lab and place them into a clinical context for improved treatment of stroke in newborns. Everyone is welcome.
Rand Askalan MD, PhD, FRCPC, Department of Neurology, The Hospital for Sick Children and Assistant Professor Paediatrics, University of Toronto will give a seminar entitled "Neuroprotection for the Ischemic Developing Brain: can we do better?" on Wednesday, July 3 at 2:00 pm in AVC, Lecture Theatre "B". Dr. Askalan is a paediatric neurologist at the world-renowned Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She has a long-standing interest in the consequences and treatment of cerebral ischemia in infancy and combines her clinical duties with basic science investigations of the mechanisms of cell death in the neonatal brain. Her talk will describe some of her exciting recent findings in the lab and place them into a clinical context for improved treatment of stroke in newborns. Everyone is welcome.
As we are about to move to a new Moodle in September, our multistage rollout continues! Our first stage continues with another 5-week summer session in what's new and better about the new Moodle! The sessions run from July 8-August 9 meeting face to face once a week and have some online exercises to be completed between sessions. If you are interested in taking the course, please take two minutes to fill in the following form regarding which day you want to attend: There will be further updates regarding the new Moodle rollout in the weeks to come, so keep your eyes open for campus notices and the Campus Connector! If you have any questions, please send them to

On Saturday, June 29, at 7:30 pm, pianist Echo Lau and soprano Rebecca Apps, (who will be accompanied by Frances McBurnie), will take to the stage at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall on the 69´«Ã½campus. The two musicians have been chosen by the PEI Registered Music Teachers' Association to represent the province at the prestigious National Competitions of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' Association, taking place this year in early July in Halifax. The Charlottetown concert is an opportunity for the two musicians to showcase their talents and to raise money for their trip to Halifax. Tickets will be available at the door: $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and students. For more information, please call 566-0507.
The University has awarded the tenders for the KCI laboratory renovations project to Precision Mechanical and Hansen Electric with various sub-contractors. This project consists of converting KCI room 128 to a research lab. The work will begin Wednesday, June 26 and is expected to be complete in the fall 2013. While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034 or
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has launched a new round of AIF funding. The deadline for mandatory letters of intent is August 14, 2013 ( 2 pm AST), and the deadline for the submission of project proposals is November 6, 2013 (2 pm AST). All of ACOA's related documents and templates can be found in the How to Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Project proposal section. Representatives from ACOA will be on campus in the coming weeks to hold an information session. Once a date has been confirmed, a notice will be sent out on campus notices to RSVP. Documents regarding UPEI's internal process, deadlines, and documents will be available following the information session with ACOA. For other information, please contact: Krista MacDonald at ; 620-5163.
On Saturday, June 29, at 7:30 pm, pianist Echo Lau and soprano Rebecca Apps, (who will be accompanied by Frances McBurnie), will take to the stage at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall on the 69´«Ã½campus. The two musicians have been chosen by the PEI Registered Music Teachers' Association to represent the province at the prestigious National Competitions of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' Association, taking place this year in early July in Halifax. The Charlottetown concert is an opportunity for the two musicians to showcase their talents and to raise money for their trip to Halifax. Tickets will be available at the door: $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and students. For more information, please call 566-0507.
The University has awarded the tenders for the KCI laboratory renovations project to Precision Mechanical and Hansen Electric with various sub-contractors. This project consists of converting KCI room 128 to a research lab. The work will begin Wednesday, June 26 and is expected to be complete in the fall 2013. While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034 or
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has launched a new round of AIF funding. The deadline for mandatory letters of intent is August 14, 2013 ( 2 pm AST), and the deadline for the submission of project proposals is November 6, 2013 (2 pm AST). All of ACOA's related documents and templates can be found in the How to Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Project proposal section. Representatives from ACOA will be on campus in the coming weeks to hold an information session. Once a date has been confirmed, a notice will be sent out on campus notices to RSVP. Documents regarding UPEI's internal process, deadlines, and documents will be available following the information session with ACOA. For other information, please contact: Krista MacDonald at ; 620-5163.
On Saturday, June 29, at 7:30 pm, pianist Echo Lau and soprano Rebecca Apps, (who will be accompanied by Frances McBurnie), will take to the stage at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall on the 69´«Ã½campus. The two musicians have been chosen by the PEI Registered Music Teachers' Association to represent the province at the prestigious National Competitions of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' Association, taking place this year in early July in Halifax. The Charlottetown concert is an opportunity for the two musicians to showcase their talents and to raise money for their trip to Halifax. Tickets will be available at the door: $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and students. For more information, please call 566-0507.
The University has awarded the tenders for the KCI laboratory renovations project to Precision Mechanical and Hansen Electric with various sub-contractors. This project consists of converting KCI room 128 to a research lab. The work will begin Wednesday, June 26 and is expected to be complete in the fall 2013. While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034 or
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has launched a new round of AIF funding. The deadline for mandatory letters of intent is August 14, 2013 ( 2 pm AST), and the deadline for the submission of project proposals is November 6, 2013 (2 pm AST). All of ACOA's related documents and templates can be found in the How to Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Project proposal section. Representatives from ACOA will be on campus in the coming weeks to hold an information session. Once a date has been confirmed, a notice will be sent out on campus notices to RSVP. Documents regarding UPEI's internal process, deadlines, and documents will be available following the information session with ACOA. For other information, please contact: Krista MacDonald at ; 620-5163.

Dear Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre Members Effective Monday, July 1, 2013 the doorway between the CARI concourse and Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre will become an emergency exit only. Accordingly · Entry from the CARI Complex into the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre will no longer be available · As well, members will not be able to exit the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre into the CARI Complex. This door will be an emergency exit door with alarm. Changing to one point of entry/exit into our facility, allows our team at Panther Central the opportunity to provide our clients with quality customer services. If you have any questions regarding this change, please let us know. Bill Schurman Director 69´«Ã½Athletics & Recreation
Campus phone service will be disrupted between 7-8 pm tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25 to facilitate upgrades. The voice-mail system will not be functional and a possible 5-minute outage during this time could cause all phone service to be non-functional. If you have any questions or concerns about services in your area, please contact Procurement Services 566-0424 or
You're invited to submit stories, announcements, or departmental updates to UPEI's newsletter, the Campus Connector. The submission deadline for the next edition is Wednesday, June 26 by 5:00 pm. Submissions must follow these guidelines: -be emailed to Sheila Kerry at -sent in a Microsoft Word or plain text document -be no longer than 250 words The editors reserve the right to edit content, will not consider incomplete submissions, and cannot guarantee that all submitted materials will be published. If you have any questions or comments, please contact