Campus Notices

69传媒Marketing and Communications' web team has updated the process to request edits to All requests may be sent directly to, or by clicking "Request Website Edit" in the website footer and completing the request form.

With the switch to myUPEI, Moodle will be the place for faculty to submit final grades starting with the Spring and Summer semester. To help with this change, the E-Learning Office has created some guides and is leading workshops to show the new process. Our guides can be , and you can register for one of our workshops with this

With the switch to myUPEI, Moodle will be the place for faculty to submit final grades starting with the Spring and Summer semester. To help with this change, the E-Learning Office has created some guides and is leading workshops to show the new process. Our guides can be , and you can register for one of our workshops with this

The School of Nursing invites you to public presentations of candidates for the tenure track faculty positions. The presentations will be on their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoLT).

Dr. Kate Kemplin, BNSc, MSN, DNP, RN, CCEMTP, PhD Nursing Science (in progress), has a background in emergency and trauma nursing including critical and intensive care. Her public presentation is on Wednesday, April 19 from 8:45 am - 9:30 am in room 105, Health Sciences Building.

Mr. Jason Hickey, BSc (Hons) Psychology, MScA Nursing, PhD(c) Nursing, has a background in mental health. His public presentation is on Thursday, April 20 from 9:30 am - 10:15 am in room 105, Health Sciences Building.

"Environmental Science - for the rest of us!" Come learn about 69传媒Environmental Studies students' current research in groundwater contamination, pest management, off-shore wind farms, food security, and more! Join us on Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 pm in Confederation Centre Public Library.

Please remember that 69传媒is a scent-free environment and has been for almost ten years. The Scent-Free Initiative policy was created in consideration of the difficulties that exposure to scented products cause to sensitive individuals.

Scent-free means the smells or odours from cosmetics (perfume, shampoos, deodorant, make-up, etc.) or from other products such as air fresheners, cleaning products, etc. Please make the choice for unscented products!

For more information, see .

The April Island Studies Lecture is Tuesday, April 18, at 7:00 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the 69传媒campus, featuring Master of Arts in Island Studies student Owen Jennings speaking about "Saint Helena: An island in flux".

Over the past decade, one of the world's most remote islands has been gifted a new connection to the world: an airport, reducing the travel time to South Africa from five days down to a few hours. Last November, Owen Jennings had the opportunity to travel to Saint Helena to do his field research. This lecture considers the experience of travelling to and being a researcher on Saint Helena, and what being a "Saint" might mean as the island's connection to the rest of the world changes dramatically.

Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend!

Department heads and chairs are reminded that the University's fiscal year-end is April 30, 2017. To ensure that 2016-17 expenditures are recorded in the 2016-17 operating budget, all external requisitions to be processed for purchase orders must be received by the Procurement Services office no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

With the end of the semester aproaching, 69传媒Security Services would like to remind you that all the designated permit parking lots and parking meters continue to be enforced year round without exception. Starting April 24th, permit enforcement is relaxed in general parking lots A, B General, D, and E until the fall semester begins.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!

Do you have library fines? Would you like to help a fellow student or family on campus?

Bring non-perishable food or grocery items (e.g. canned goods, pasta, light bulbs, toilet paper, etc.- please no damaged, expired, or opened goods) for the Campus Food Bank to the Service Desk at the Library from Friday, April 7 to Friday, April 28 and we鈥檒l deduct $2.00 per item from your library fines.

If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk, 902-566-0583.

"Environmental Science - for the rest of us!" Come learn about 69传媒Environmental Studies students' current research in groundwater contamination, pest management, off-shore wind farms, food security, and more! Join us on Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 pm in Confederation Centre Public Library.

The Robertson Library invites the campus community to public presentations and mock classes by three candidates for a permanent-track Library position, Metaliteracy and Student Engagement Librarian. Each candidate will present on the topic, 鈥淢etaliteracy at the 69传媒鈥, followed by a mock 鈥渙ne-shot鈥 class for first year students, at the following dates/times:

  • On Wednesday, April 19, Dr. Yolanda Hood will present at 10:00 am, followed by mock class at 10:45 am.
  • On Friday, April 21, Ms. Kate Peterson will present at 10:00 am, followed by mock class at 10:45 am.
  • On Monday, April 24, Ms. Lindsey MacCallum will present at 10:00 am, followed by mock class at 10:45 am.

Sessions will be held in the Library Instruction Centre, Room 265. All are welcome!

69传媒Marketing and Communications' web team has updated the process to request edits to All requests may be sent directly to, or by clicking "Request Website Edit" in the website footer and completing the request form.

The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions (new, renewal, or amendment) is Friday, May 5 for the May 2017 meeting.

Ensure you always download the current forms  and use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms (only current forms will be accepted).

Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date. Please submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept, Rm 2302 and submit an electronic copy to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications. For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Administrative Assistant at 902-566-0973.

The April Island Studies Lecture is Tuesday, April 18, at 7:00 pm in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the 69传媒campus, featuring Master of Arts in Island Studies student Owen Jennings speaking about "Saint Helena: An island in flux".

Over the past decade, one of the world's most remote islands has been gifted a new connection to the world: an airport, reducing the travel time to South Africa from five days down to a few hours. Last November, Owen Jennings had the opportunity to travel to Saint Helena to do his field research. This lecture considers the experience of travelling to and being a researcher on Saint Helena, and what being a "Saint" might mean as the island's connection to the rest of the world changes dramatically.

Admission to the lecture is free and everyone is welcome to attend!

The schedule at the Chaplaincy Centre is different with exams and Holy Week beginning this week:

  • Monday, April 10 - Chili Lunch, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, (no noon mass) Chrism Mass at Saint Dunstan's Basilica at 7:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 11 - Chili Lunch, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
  • Thursday, April 13 - Holy Thursday, (no noon mass) masses in local parishes
  • Friday, April 14 - Good Friday Service 3:00 pm
  • Sunday, April 16 - Easter Sunday Mass (no 6:00 pm mass in the evening) 11:00 am with confirmation of two 69传媒students

Dr. Kai Liu, Candidate for Assistant Professor in Actuarial Science, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, will present on Thursday, April 13, 2017 in the Health Sciences Building, Room 105 at 2:15 pm. In his presentation, he will compare Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo numerical pricing methods for exotic derivative securities; discuss the notions of nominal dimension and effective dimension as well as dimension reduction techniques; and propose an Effective Portfolio model. For the full abstract of Dr. Liu's presentation, please contact Rita Stanley at

All are welcome to attend!

The Faculty of Science wishes to announce Christian Agatemor, PhD candidate from the Department of Chemistry, will be defending his thesis entitled "Exploration of the Antimicrobial and Magnetic Properties of 茷6-Arene-茷5-Cyclopentadienyliron(II)-derived Dendrimers" on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 8:30 am at the Irving Chemistry Centre in room 104.

All are welcome - please note seating may be limited!

69传媒Marketing and Communications' web team has updated the process to request edits to All requests may be sent directly to, or by clicking "Request Website Edit" in the website footer and completing the request form.

Ethics protocols that involve 鈥榤ore than minimal risk鈥 must be reviewed by the full 69传媒Research Ethics Board. The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Friday, May 5, 2017. Protocols involving 鈥榤ore than minimal risk鈥 that are received after May 5 will be reviewed at the June 2017 meeting.

Other ethics protocol submissions, (including: new applications that do not involve 鈥榤ore than minimal risk, renewals, and amendments) may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received.

Please ensure that you download and use the current forms and that you use Adobe Reader to complete forms.

Submit the following:
鈥 one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and
鈥 one e-copy of all documents to

For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or