Campus Notices

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is interviewing Dr. Mohammad Nadimi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biosystems Engineer, University of Manitoba, for a tenure-track position. Dr. Nadimi will give a public research talk titled "Harnessing Machine Vision, Photonics, and Data Science for Food Quality Control and Safety Inspection" on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in the Health Sciences Building, Room 106. All are welcome.


This session will cover building online tests, quizzes, and exams in Moodle. This will be an online session, and the recording will be available following the session. The session will be held on September 28 from 10 am to 11:30 am. .

The Scholarships and Awards Office is accepting applications for the 1st Semester (Fall) Award Cycle!

Students can now access the by clicking the link provided here or in the 69´«Ã½Forms section of their My69´«Ã½account. Students are encouraged to review the four-step instructions and submit their electronic application through the portal by the October 1, 2023, deadline to be considered for over 100 scholarships and awards.

Not only can students apply to numerous awards through the Scholarship and Award Application portal, but there are also dozens of awards with a separate application process conveniently listed on the 1st Semester (Fall) Award Cycle webpage. Deadlines for the separate application awards vary across the Fall semester, and awards are listed beneath their deadline month. Be sure to click the links, review the award criteria, and submit in time for the deadline.

If you have questions about the application processes, award criteria, or deadlines, please contact or visit us in Dalton Hall, room 202. Best of luck to all who apply!

As part of Consent Awareness Week (September 17–23), 69´«Ã½Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office and the 69´«Ã½Student Union, in partnership with Residence Life and the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre are hosting the Workshop "Hooking up on Campus" from the sexual health and consent educator Rachele Manett (she/they)of Venus Envy. The workshop will be held on Monday, September 18 from 12:00–1:30 pm at the Performing Arts Centre. Join us for a conversation about hooking up or starting relationships consensually.  

There are many events being held in the community during Consent Awareness Week, check them out at @takebackthenightpei 

There are some exciting developments at 69´«Ã½as PEI aims to become net zero by 2040. Dr. Marva Sweeney-Nixon, Associate Vice-President of Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, invites the 69´«Ã½campus community to an information session to find out more about the province of PEI's net-zero framework, the Cleantech Academy, UPEI's proposed role, and our next steps. Representatives from the province and the Cleantech Academy will be presenting. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions and give feedback and suggestions for the new interdisciplinary graduate program in cleantech leadership.

Registration is not required. Coffee, tea, and cookies will be provided. For questions, contact Susie Zavala at See you there!

PhD Candidacy Exam in Environmental Sciences

Presenter: Farhan Aziz

Title: "Urban Water Management Under Climate Change"

Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 1:00 pm in the Health Sciences Building, Room 106

Everyone is welcome/.

The 69´«Ã½ is delighted to invite you to the Official Grand Opening of the new Performing Arts Centre and the revitalized Dr. Steel Recital Hall on Friday, Sepetember 22, 2023, from 1:30–3:30 pm.

Event schedule:
1:30 pm – Meet at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall (in the Steel Building) for the first ceremony
2:15 pm – Proceed to the Performing Arts Centre (in the new residence building) for a 2:30 pm ceremony start

The event will feature guest speakers, performances, and light refreshments. We look forward to celebrating with you.

Please RSVP by September 19, 2023, to Kathy Weatherbie at or 902-626-6791.

Overview: Have you completed the New Manager's Certificate—the Certificate in Collaborative Leadership is the next step for managers.

Positions of management and higher-level leadership are stressful and demanding. It takes a certain type of person to excel in these roles. The Certificate in Collaborative Leadership gives managers and high-level leaders the information, practical tools and experience to maximize their influence within their organization and inspire their fellow workers to greater levels. Within this Certificate, crucial competencies for managers and leaders will be dissected and discussed, as well as strategies to keep participants and their fellow colleagues revitalized and motivated, establish and maintain healthy diversity and inclusion within their organization, and improve presentation skills to enhance, engage and inspire.  

Completion of the New Manager's Certificate as a prerequisite is highly recommended (or equivalent experience). The courses within this Certificate will feature a format that keeps in mind the demanding schedule of the managers taking part. 

Designed for: People who are managers or leaders within their organization, and those who have completed the New Manager's Certificate (or have equivalent experience). 

Duration: Four (4) courses for a total of thirty (30) hours.  

For More Information/Register

Overview: This course will review the basics of marketing and promotion in the digital age, including the foundations of marketing and promotion. The course will be a mix of lectures, video content, interactive polling and discussions, and practical application through breakout sessions.

Designed for: People who want to do some marketing and promotion but have no formal training or education.

Duration: One course for six (6) hours.


For More Information/Register

Overview: All Canadians are called to learn about Canada’s relationship with Indigenous peoples and how we can move forward in reconciliation and restitution. In the Indigenous Cultural Awareness course, facilitator Julie Pellissier-Lush will highlight and explain in-depth the traditional knowledge of the Mi’kmaq (the Indigenous peoples of Mi’kma’ki, and specifically Epetwitk), their life before contact with Europeans, the role of colonization on the Mi’kmaq, and how all Canadians move forward positively with Indigenous peoples. This will be done in a fun way that will focus on participants feeling safe in the learning circle provided and ensure all taking part in the course will leave with a greater knowledge of traditional Mi’kmaq teachings, history and how to engage and grow through truth, reconciliation, and restitution.  

Designed for: Anybody, from employees to executives, to managers and entrepreneurs, who wish to learn about the traditional ways and knowledge of Indigenous – specifically Mi’kmaq – people, their journey, and how all Canadians can move forward positively in terms of truth, reconciliation, and restitution with Indigenous peoples  

Duration: Six (6) hours over two (2) afternoons.


For More Information/Register

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is interviewing a candidate for a tenure-track position. The candidate will be making a public presentation, and everyone is welcome to attend.

Dr. Mohamed Alzayed, Monday, September 18, 2023, 2:30–3:30 pm, FSDE 205

Dr. Mohamad Alzayed, Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate at The Intelligent Robotic and Energy Systems (IRES) Research Group, candidate for the tenure-track faculty position with the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, will present a research talk titled, "Emerging Techniques for Integrating Machine Learning, Electric Machine Drives, Renewable Resources, and Inverter-Based Power Systems for Next-Generation Smart Grid."


Every post-secondary institution in the Atlantic region (also known as the Wabanaki Confederacy) with an Indigenous centre will screen the film, "Bones of Crows." At UPEI, the film screening will take place on September 27 at 6:00 pm in Don and Marion McDougall Hall, Room 242 and will conclude at 8:00 pm followed by some open audience reflection and refreshments. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions or reflect on the film collectively. All are welcome. 

Every post-secondary institution in the Atlantic region (also known as the Wabanaki Confederacy) with an Indigenous centre will sew a ribbon skirt or shirt together. Participants are welcome to join in person or virtually. The program is meant to create a sense of nationhood while sharing important teachings about the ribbon skirt/shirt. Held on September 22 and 23, the workshop will be hosted by the Mawi’omi Indigenous Student Centre in Room 240, Bernardine Hall, and begins at 3:00 pm and concludes at 7:00 pm on both days. All are welcome to take part (69´«Ã½community and greater PEI community). There will be light refreshments and an opportunity to connect with others. Two sewing machines will be available as will be some material to make the skirts and shirts. Please contact the Mawi' Omi Centre ( or Jasmine Pauze ( to register so we can ensure you have all you need during the workshop. 

Hosted in the Mawi’omi Indigenous Student Centre (515 Dalton Hall), this program is meant to introduce students, new staff, and faculty to Elder Judy Clark, 69´«Ã½Elder in Residence. The session will take place from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on September 19. The Centre will offer a smudge, snacks and a chance for people to ask Elder Judy questions and hear about what she has been up to this summer. All are welcome.

Are you a chief warden, floor warden, or guardian for your building? Do you know what to do if there is a building evacuation? Do you have questions about your role as a warden or guardian or the evacuation procedures for your building?

69´«Ã½Health, Safety, and Environment will hold a building emergency plan session for chief wardens, floor wardens, and guardians on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 1:30 pm in Duffy Science Centre (DSC) Room 135.

Please let know if you are interested in attending.

The SSHRC Exchange Publication Awards support the publication of manuscripts written or edited by 69´«Ã½faculty by Island Studies Press (ISP). These awards are being funded by a SSHRC Institutional Grant; therefore, the subject matter of the publication must be compatible with SSHRC’s mandate (see  for more information). One (1) award is available for 2023.

The award of $7,000 will be disbursed to Island Studies Press to cover publication costs, including editing, photo and other permissions, design, printing, marketing, and other costs associated with publishing a book. Authors will be offered ISP’s standard publication contract, which ensures authorial copyright and includes a royalty structure. Authors will also see their manuscripts reviewed through a peer-review process where appropriate.


  • Eligible applicants must be tenured, tenure-track, term, or sessional 69´«Ã½faculty who are employed by 69´«Ã½at the time of application.
  • Manuscripts may be single- or multi-authored results of academic research projects; textbooks; edited proceedings of a conference; or works of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, or drama that pertain to the author(s)' discipline.
  • The subject matter of the manuscript must meet SSHRC’s mandate.
  • Past recipients of the SSHRC Exchange Publication Award or 69´«Ã½Internal Publication Award cannot apply for support for the previously funded manuscript.


Submit documents electronically to Research Services,


Applicants are to submit a package that includes

  • book proposal/summary (maximum of one page)
  • a completed or close-to-complete manuscript and a table of contents. Note: the manuscript must be completed no later than three months after winning the award.
  • a curriculum vitae that includes your credentials as author(s)/editor(s)
  • two letters of support (e.g., from your department chair, dean, professional association)

Selection Committee: A selection committee comprised of the chair of the executive committee of the Institute of Island Studies, plus two members of the ISP publishing committee, will assess the proposals and make a recommendation to the Associate Vice-President Research. The managing editor of the ISP will be a member of the committee in a non-voting capacity.

To assist in making its recommendations, the selection committee will use a single-blind peer review of the submitted manuscript. Final decisions on publication remain with the Island Studies Press and the Institute of Island Studies.

Reporting: A copy of the book, along with a narrative outlining the publication process – prepared in collaboration with staff at Island Studies Press â€“ must be submitted when the book is complete.

Previous recipients of the 69´«Ã½Internal Publication Awards include Lori Mayne, Department of English; Dr. Laurie Brinklow, Institute of Island Studies; Dr. Linyuan Guo-Brennan, Faculty of Education; and Dr. Josh MacFadyen, Faculty of Arts.

For more information on the publication awards program, contact Dr. Laurie Brinklow at or 902-894-2881.

69´«Ã½Research Services is relaunching Research on Tap, and we'd like your help.

Research on Tap provides an opportunity to talk about research and network with the public in a casual setting. The first session will take place at the Fox and Crow on Wednesday, October 11, at 7:00 pm for an evening of informal discussion and dialogue.

Each session is led by one or two faculty researchers from 69´«Ã½who present the central theme/topic in about 10-15 minutes in a way that is accessible, insightful, and exciting to the lay audience. The rest of the time is for questions and discussion. The conversation is interesting, engaging, and lively. 

A second Research on Tap session is planned for Wednesday, November 15 (location TBD, likely off campus).

Are you and/or a colleague interested in leading one of these discussions?  If so, please provide a short abstract to Research Services ( describing your topic and emphasizing how it would be of interest now to the PEI public. Please also indicate your preferred session (October or November). The deadline for expressions of interest for both fall sessions of Research on Tap is September 25, 2023.    

For questions, please contact Maria Steele, Manager, Research Services, at or 902-566-6479.

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is interviewing Dr. Mohammad Nadimi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biosystems Engineer, University of Manitoba, for a tenure-track position. Dr. Nadimi will give a public research talk titled "Harnessing Machine Vision, Photonics, and Data Science for Food Quality Control and Safety Inspection" on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in the Health Sciences Building, Room 106. All are welcome.


Welcome back, everyone!

The 69´«Ã½Writing Centre is again ready to support writers with assignments from all faculties at all stages of the writing and research process.  Appointments with our friendly, knowledgeable tutors are one-on-one and up to an hour long, hosted in-person in RL 274, and also available online. 

Book your appointment at 

Staff and faculty should contact Jarmo Puiras at for more information or to arrange a short class visit from Writing Centre staff to introduce the service to your class.

Best wishes for a rewarding, storm-free fall term.

When conducting assessments, clear communication of expectations can help your students perform their work with a clear understanding of what academic integrity means in your course. This session will cover some approaches for setting up clear and concise honour agreements and building the requirements into your Moodle assessments. The session will take place in the Teaching and Learning Centre (located in the Robertson Library Annex) on September 19 from 10:00 to 11:00 am.