DVM Four-year Course Structure

Note: Current 69传媒students should refer to Student Planning in my69传媒and the 69传媒Academic Calendar governing their entry year, and speak to an academic advisor about course requirements. The course structure presented for this program is a recommended, unofficial progression for prospective students.

First Year

Semester 1

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Course Lecture Lab Credit
VBS 1010 Macroscopic Anatomy I 2 5 4
VBS 1110 Microscopic Anatomy I 1 2 2
VBS 1210 Physiology I 2 0 2
VBS 1410 Integration of Structure and Function I 0 5 2
VBS 1040 Principles of Veterinary Research 1 0 1
VBS 1050 Professional Foundations I 1 2 2
VBS 1030 Animal Behaviour and Welfare 2 0 2
VHM 1110 Animal Production Systems 2 1 2
VPM 1110 Veterinary Immunology 2 1 2
  13 16 19

Semester 2

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Course Lecture Lab Credit
VBS 1020 Macroscopic Anatomy II 2 5 4
VBS 1120 Microscopic Anatomy II 1.4 1.7 3
VBS 1220 Physiology II 2 0 2
VBS 1420 Integration of Structure and Function II 0 3 1
VHM 1120 Principles of Veterinary Epidemiology 2 1 2
VHM 1130 Clinical Skills I 0 3 1
VPM 1220 Parasitology 2 2 3
VPM 1520 General Pathology 2 2 3
  11.4 17.7 19

Second Year

Semester 3

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Course Lecture Lab Credit
VBS 2130 Veterinary Pharmacology I 3 1 3
VCA 2520 Diagnostic Imaging I 1 1 1
VHM 2310 Veterinary Public Health 2 0 2
VHM 2410 Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine 1 1 1
VHM 2510 Clinical Skills II    1 2 1
VPM 2010 Bacteriology and Mycology        3 2 4
VPM 2110 Virology 2 2 3
VPM 2210 Systemic Pathology I 2 2 3
VPM 2020 Professional Foundations II 1 2 2
  16 13 20

Semester 4

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Course Lecture Lab Credit
VBS 2140 Veterinary Pharmacology II 1 1 1
VBS 2150 Veterinary Toxicology 2 1 2
VCA 2140 Diagnostic Imaging II 1 1 1
VCA 2120 Principles of Medicine  2 0 2
VCA 2310 Principles of Surgery 1.5 0 1.5
VCA 2410 Principles of Anesthesiology 1.5 0 1.5
VCA 2150 Small Animal Primary Care Practice I 2 0 2
VCA 2130 Clinical Skills III 0 4 1
VHM 2220 Principles of Theriogenology 1 0 1
VPM 2220 Systemic Pathology II 2 2 3
VPM 2420 Clinical Pathology 2 2 3
VPM 2620 Aquaculture and Fish Health 1 0 1
  17 11 20

Third Year

The third year of the DVM program consists of core and elective courses. Students are required to take all of the core courses and at least 16 credit hours of elective courses. The majority of elective courses are delivered in 5-week modules (M) in semester 6. Elective course offerings are subject to change in any academic year. 

Semester 5 

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Core Course Lecture Lab Credit
VCA 3160 Small Animal Primary Care Practice II 1 0 1
VCA 3150 Small Animal Medicine 4 0 4
VCA 3170 Small Animal Surgery 4 0 4
VCA 3130 Clinical Skills V 0 2 0
VHM 3220 Food Animal Health and Disease 5 0 5
VHM 3230 Equine Health and Disease 4 0 4
VHM 3540 Clinical Skills IV 0 3 1
VHM 3630 Professional Foundations III 1 0 1
  19 5 20

Semester 6

  Weekly contact (hours)  
Core Course Lecture Lab Credit
VCA 3130 Clinical Skills V 0 2 2
VCA 3140 Professional Foundations IV 0 1 0.5
  0 3 2.5

For a listing of elective third-year DVM courses, .

Fourth Year

The fourth year of the DVM program consists of at least 41 semester-hours of credit comprising:

  • a two semester-hour didactic course (VHM 4110)
  • 23 semester-hours (23 weeks) of core clinical rotations
  • at least 16 semester-hours (16 weeks) of elective clinical rotations 

For additional details about the fourth-year curriculum, .