Enter testing information in Accommodate

Posting Date(s)

Note to Professors and Course Instructors: 

Please add the testing information (date, test length, test format, aids allowed, open or closed book, contact information, and test start time) for any in-person quizzes, tests, and midterms for the Fall 2024 semester to Accommodate, as soon as possible. We do not need the test file when adding the testing information.   

Students who are registered with Accessibility Services and want testing accommodations must submit a booking request at least 7 days in advance. They cannot schedule their test until you have entered the testing information in Accommodate. 

You do not need to add the test file until a few days before the test date. If needed, changes can be made to test dates after testing information has been added. 

Below are some Faculty how-to resources: 

How to schedule a test in Accommodate: |  

How to view student accommodations: |  

If you have any questions about adding a test in Accommodate or testing with Accessibility Services, please contact astesting@upei.ca