Recruiting panelists for a New Student Orientation event

Posting Date(s)

Are you a 69传媒student who has completed at least one year here at UPEI? Have you figured out some things that you wish someone had told you on your first day? In addition to a whole bunch of food, fun, and events that will encourage new students to get to know one another, we try to include some educational activities in the NSO schedule.  One that consistently gets positive feedback is "confessions of a returning student."  Our goal is to recruit a panel of four to six students who represent a variety of undergraduate student experiences and have them speak to the new students. You don't need to prepare a speech or be a great public speaker; the event is set up as a panel, so you just have to answer a couple of questions when called on by the moderator (you'll know ahead of time what your question will be, so there should be no surprises).

The event is scheduled for Sunday, September 1, at 3:00 pm, (location TBD) so we need you to be present and available on campus at that time. There will likely be a couple of emails to engage with and perhaps one short (30 minutes or less) meeting (can be via zoom).

If you are interested, please fill out the google form available here:

If you have any questions please direct them to