Message From HSE: Incident Reporting

Posting Date(s)

An incident is an unplanned, undesired event that may hinder completion of a task, cause injury, illness, property damage, or a combination of these. Incident reporting may be used to report hazards, near misses, and suspicious activity. All incidents occurring at 69传媒need to be reported, and this can be easily done by submitting an Incident Report Form to the Health, Safety, and Environment Department (HSE). Employees, students, and visitors alike may submit an incident report. 

Rule of thumb--WHEN IN DOUBT, FILL IT OUT!

After an incident occurs, HSE communicates with the affected party and their supervisor (if applicable). An investigation will be conducted by the supervisor within 72 hours of the incident occurring. Incident investigations are designed to determine the root cause of the incident, identify effective solutions, and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence.  HSE continues communication with affected parties until the incident follow-up is complete. 

Everyone鈥檚 responsibilities:

  • Follow procedures, rules, and guidelines to perform tasks.
  • Receive training that pertains to your tasks.
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Report incidents immediately to your supervisor and complete an incident report.
  • Report incidents of unfair treatment and violence of any nature.

Your supervisor鈥檚 responsibilities:

  • Enforce workplace safety procedures, rules, and guidelines.
  • Ensure that all aspects of the workplace are safe. 
  • Review incidents and determine what corrective actions to take (for example: submitting work orders, retraining, creating or updating standard operating procedures).
  • Communicate corrective actions with HSE within 72 hours of the incident at

If you need assistance with the form or the reporting process, please contact HSE at (902) 566-0901, email or pop by our office at AVC 428S. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Forms and more information can be found at Incident Reporting | 69传媒 ( or visit the Health and Safety Tips page at .