Car Free to Campus day was a success!

Posting Date(s)

On Wednesday, June 26, the Active Transportation working group of the Healthy Campus Committee held a Car Free Day.

One hundred and fourteen 69传媒staff and faculty participated by signing up to bike, walk, bus, or carpool to campus on June 26, corresponding to a total of almost 2,000 km, more than 175 litres* of fuel, and the equivalent of an entire campus parking lot** saved.

Prize winners included Veronica Kaye, Owen Shaw, and Donna Sutton

The longest distance biked was 57 km by Logan Dawson and the longest walked was 3.6 km by Crystal Doyle. 

It was great to hear from folks who typically come in this way anyway, and why, as well as see some others add a bit more activity to their commute.

Some pro tips:

  • Parking off campus and a 10-minute walk is a great way to start and end the day, with many physical and mental health benefits.
  • T3 transit (1) comes from all across the Island, (2) stops right on campus, and (3) costs only $10-20/month. 69传媒folks living as far as Summerside, Rustico, Morell, Fortune, and Souris or as close as Cornwall, Stratford, or downtown Charlottetown regularly or occasionally take 5, 15, or 60+ minutes at the start and end of the day to relax, read, and listen to a podcast or music rather than drive. What would you do with the extra time?
  • Did you know that there are bike racks across campus and showers available to the campus community.

MUCH more to come from the Active Transportation working group. We are planning events, infrastructure, and programming to get you moving! If you have a passion for active transportation and would like to join our group, please reach out to Stephanie Palmer, Travis Saunders, or Angela Marchbank.   

*Based on the 2021 average Canadian car fuel efficiency of 8.9L/100 km

**Gated Lot C beside FSDE has 104 parking spots.