Global Brigades Medical Ghana 2024 Public Presentation

Posting Date(s)
Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering building, Room 128B (free parking in 69传媒Lot C) or online through Zoom: Meeting ID: 674 2296 62 Passcode: brigade
no charge

Everyone is invited to the public presentation by a group of 69传媒students and staff who traveled to Ghana recently with the chapter of 69传媒Medical Global Brigades and provided volunteer service to public health projects and mobile medical clinics to under-served communities. Come and hear the story of the group of 28 69传媒volunteers, including the work they did to make the trip, the service they provided while in Ghana, and the impacts on their own learning and development.

Join us on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 7:15 pm in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering building, Room 128B (free parking in 69传媒Lot C) or online through Zoom:

Meeting ID: 674 2296 6246

Passcode: brigade

Please feel free to share this invitation. For any questions, contact Inge Dorsey at