SMCS tenure-track candidate Dr. Todd Mullen presents research and teaching talks

Posting Date(s)
Cass Science Hall 101

Presenter: Dr. Todd Mullen, candidate for the tenure-track position at the 69传媒School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Teaching talk: Friday, April 26, 9:30--10:30 am, Cass Science Hall 101

Research talk: Friday, April 26, 1:45--2:45 pm, Cass Science Hall 101

Title: Graph Dynamical Systems

The study of graph dynamical systems is the study of movement within a network (graph), or often times, flow through a network (graph). In this talk, I will discuss many different dynamical systems on graphs, including Cops and Robber and its many variants, and Chip-Firing and its many variants. With each model, I will speak to the extent of my research, interesting areas of future research, and the specific areas particularly viable for student research projects. In addition, I will discuss my MSc and post-doctoral research which have led to published results, yet fall slightly outside the purview of graph dynamical systems. These topics are combinatorial game theory and edge colourings on graphs. Finally, I will mention a topic that is particularly important to me looking forward: mathematics education. Since earning my PhD, having had more opportunities to teach university courses and attend conferences about how university courses are taught, I have developed an interest in mathematics education that I would like to see manifested into some real experiments and eventually yield some publishable results. One of my main future research goals is to contribute significantly to the scholarship of teaching and learning in mathematics.

The teaching and research talks are open to the UPEI campus community: