PhD Thesis Defense for Kassandra Devon Lynn, Environmental Sciences

Posting Date(s)
Duffy Science Centre 204

PhD in Environmental Sciences thesis defense

Presenter: Kassandra Devon Lynn

Title: 鈥淪andy Beach Amphipods: Ecology and Response to Natural and Artificial Stressors"

Natural and artificial stressors shape the life history and ecology of sandy beach amphipods, so their study is relevant to predict how the role of these organisms may change with ongoing climate events. Behavioural and physiological responses of the sandy beach amphipod "Americorchestia longicornis" to natural and artificial stressors were assessed using field and laboratory studies. The results of this thesis advance the knowledge on the ecology of sandy beach amphipods in a cold-temperate region, especially with regards to the influence of light pollution.

Date/Time/Location: Friday, February 9, 2024, 1:45 pm, Duffy Science Centre 204

Everyone is welcome.