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2023 Korean Studies International Speaker Series features renowned scholar Dr. Philip Ivanhoe

Posting Date(s)
SDU Main Building, Faculty Lounge

On Thursday, April 27, Dr. Philip J. Ivanhoe, chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Georgetown University, Washington DC, will give a lecture titled 鈥淥neness, Virtue, and Happiness: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives.鈥 The lecture will take place in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building, starting at 2:15 pm. 

Dr. Ivanhoe specializes in the history of East Asian philosophy and religion and its potential for contemporary ethics. He has held numerous endowed chair positions, including Distinguished Chair Professor of Philosophy at Sungkyunkwan University; Chair Professor of East Asian and Comparative Philosophy and Religion, City University of Hong Kong; John Findlay Visiting Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Boston University; and Austin J. Fagothey, S. J. Distinguished Visiting Chair, Santa Clara University. He has published over 30 books and more than 100 articles in Confucian studies and comparative ethics.

The lecture is part of the 2023 Korean Studies International Speaker Series presented by the 69传媒Faculty of Arts and Asian Studies Program. The series is supported by the international Seed Program for Korean Studies and Laboratory Program for Korean Studies grants through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service, the Academy of Korean Studies.

Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Dr. Edward Chung, director of Asian studies and professor of religious studies, at or 902-566-0324.