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First- and fourth-year Arts, Business, Engineering, Nursing, and Science students invited to participate in NSSE

Posting Date(s)

69传媒is taking part in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) again this semester. The survey collects important information on students' participation in programs and activities and their perceptions of personal growth and university support. Results from the survey will be used to improve student experiences. 

Many first-year and fourth-year students in Arts, Business, Engineering, Nursing, and Science have been invited to fill out the survey. Students are encouraged to check their 69传媒email for the invitation and complete the survey. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Yuqin Gong, Manager of Institutional Research at the Office of VP Academic and Research, via 902-566-0361 or

Thank you to students for responding to the survey and to all who help spread words about the survey.