This Campus Notice is more than 1 year old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Notice from ITSS Regarding the Security of Campus Workstations

Posting Date(s)

Keeping your computing devices up to date with all the latest available updates is critical to keeping your systems running smoothly and securely. Quite often, your 69传媒workstation will require a restart after applying important updates. However, many systems are restarted very infrequently. 

Starting October 25, all 69传媒Windows workstations will be automatically restarted within 2 days after an important security update is installed

As these updates are applied, there will be pop-up notifications on your workstation informing you of when your workstation will be restarted. 

Every effort will be made to have these automatic workstation restarts occur overnight. However, there may be occasions where the automatic restart is necessary during the workday. 

As a best practice, we recommend saving your work frequently throughout the day, signing out of your workstation each evening, and restarting your computer as soon as possible when prompted. 

Please note that this change only applies to Faculty and Staff workstations managed by IT Systems & Services. This does not apply to shared workstations found in classrooms or student computer labs (they have their own separate update schedule). 

If you have any questions about this change, please contact the ITSS Help Desk ( for more information.