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Master of Science in Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences Thesis Defense: Petra Larsen

Posting Date(s)
Web Conference

MSc Molecular and Macromolecular Sciences

Thesis defense, Thursday, September 1, 2022, 9:00 am, via web conference

Presenter: Petra Larsen

Title: "Evaluation of Longevity, Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Efficacies of Honey Extracted from Lozenges鈥


Honey is a sweet viscous food product that is popularly used as a natural sweetener, but it also possesses a number of beneficial health properties due to its bioactive components. However, the processing methods used to make honey products, including honey candies (lozenges and drops), result in changes to both chemical and biological properties of the honey. Although rarely investigated in literature, it is valuable to determine how the properties of these honey candies may have changed compared to raw, unprocessed honey. In this study, changes to colour, enzyme (diastase) activity, phenolic/flavonoid content, and hydrogen peroxide concentration were evaluated for processed honey candies. As well, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing activities were also determined and compared with raw unprocessed honey. It was found that processing did result in chemical and biological changes in the honey lozenges and drops, but that overall, the natural health properties of honey were maintained, or enhanced relative to raw honey.

If you wish to attend the public presentation, please contact the Graduate Studies Coordinator at to receive the link.

Everyone is welcome.