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Instructional Services Librarian Candidate Presentations - Emily Dafoe

Posting Date(s)

The Robertson Library invites members of the campus community – students, faculty, and staff – to attend a virtual presentation by Emily Dafoe, candidate for the permanent-track position of Instructional Services Librarian (position posting), on Tuesday, July 19.

At 11 a.m,  Ms. Dafoe will address the topic, "Information Literacy at UPEI: Strategies for engaging today's students in first year and beyond." The prepared presentation will be for approximately 25 minutes, to be followed by 10-15 minutes for Q&A / discussion. To access the presentation, please use this Zoom link: 

At 1 pm, Ms. Dafoe will offer a demonstration information literacy session. Approximately 45 minutes has been allocated for this session, with an additional 10-15 minutes for Q&A / discussion. To join this session, please use this Zoom link:

Ms. Dafoe received her Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree from Western University, and is currently the Research and Instruction Librarian at Valley City State University (Valley City, ND). 

For more information, please contact Simon Lloyd, chair of the Library Appointments Committee, at or 902-566-0536.