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Sempath Bemgal - Tenure Track Candidate Teaching Demonstration - Faculty of Business

Posting Date(s)

The Faculty of Business invites members of the campus community – students, faculty and staff – to attend a virtual lecture (teaching demonstration) by Sempath Bemgal for a tenure-track position as assistant professor of Business Analytics and Management Science.

Title for Teaching Demonstration: "Advanced Data Mining and AI/ML Techniques: Fundamentals"


Sampath Bemgal is a recent graduate from Ivey Business School, Western University, with a PhD in Information Systems. His research focuses on how organizations innovate and transform using digital technologies. In particular, he focuses on internal dynamics of organizations and examines the interplays that occur between humans, organizational structures, and technologies in order to bring about organizational improvements with technologies. His work has been presented at various management conferences such as the Academy of Management (AoM), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), and Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).

The lecture will take place on Friday, April 8, from 9:00--9:45 am (Atlantic Time) via the following Zoom link:  

Meeting ID: 694 6098 3313

Passcode: 668056

For further information, please contact Shelly Kavanagh at