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Flags lowered to half-mast in memory of retired professors, Tom Trenton and Jim Rigney

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The 69传媒 community was saddened to learn of the recent deaths of two retired professors.

Dr. Thomas Trenton, associate professor of sociology (retired), passed away on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at Andrews of Stratford. Tom enjoyed a full and satisfying career in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and will be dearly missed by his former students and colleagues. No visitation or funeral service will be held by request.  

Dr. James Rigney, professor of chemistry (retired) and 69传媒Founder, passed away on Friday, September 18, 2020 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Jim served as the first president of the 69传媒Faculty Association, and was a dedicated professor at 69传媒for 24 years, caring for his students both academically and personally. A private family visitation and service (invitation only) will be held.  

69传媒expresses condolences on behalf of the entire community to the families, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Trenton and Dr. Rigney. The University will lower the flags on campus to half-mast in their memory.