UMGRC Workshops

UMGRC Workshops

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Title: Communicating your research to the public
Facilitators: Dave Atkinson and Dr. Adam Fenech
Time and Location: Aug. 9, 2:15-3:15 pm, MCDH 328
Description: Traditional scientific training typically does not prepare scientists to be effective communicators outside of academia. However, funding agencies and research institutions are increasingly encouraging researchers to extend beyond peer-reviewed publishing and communicate their results directly to the greater public. As Albert Einstein once wrote: Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. This workshop will examine some real-world examples of communicating scientific research results to formal and informal audiences, with discussions around what makes for compelling scientific communications and how to make your research results resonate with the public. 

Thursday, August 10, 2018

Title: Everything you need to know about publishing your research: Predatory journals and scholarly journal metrics
Facilitators: Kim Mears and Meghan Landry
Time and Location: Aug. 10, 10-11 am, MCDH 328
Description: Are you interested in publishing your research in academic journals? Have you heard of predatory journals? With the increase in open access journals, illegitimate publishers have emerged on the academic publishing scene and understanding what defines a predatory journal and/or conference has become an essential skill for graduate students. This workshop will discuss predatory publishing, scholarly metrics that impact a journal's reputation (e.g. journal impact factor), and review resources on these topics. There will be also a time for Q&A and open discussion.  

Title: Creating an academic CV
Facilitators: Dr. Russ Kerr and Leslie Cudmore
Time and Location: August 10, 3:15-4 pm, MCDH 328
Description: A curriculum vitae is an important document that allows you to showcase your academic and professional achievements in a concise, effective way.  You should write and maintain a compelling CV that is well-organized, up to date and easy to read, yet accurately represents your highest accomplishments.  This workshop will provide guidance on the preparation of such a CV.  We will provide an explanation of the format and categories of an academic CV, and will review examples of CVs from academics at different stages of development.  Tips for preparing and presenting a CV in the context of award and scholarship applications will also be discussed.