
A new platform to bring together 69传媒alumni and students for meaningful mentorship opportunities for as little as an hour every month.

69传媒Connect is an online networking program powered by the Ten Thousand Coffees platform. It matches alumni from around the globe with students and recent grads to develop important professional relationships.

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As a mentee, you can ask questions of interest, learn from professionals, and grow your professional network to strengthen your career knowledge and awareness.

How it works

Mentors and mentees will receive monthly introductions based on similar career interests and goals. All introductions are sent directly to your preferred email address. You will work together to organize either an in-person or online chat. After 12 months, you will both receive an official LinkedIn certification to recognize your commitment to continuous learning and career advancement.

How do I join?

  • Go to .
  • You will be placed into an approval queue to be reviewed by the hub administrators. Please ensure you have fully completed your profile to ensure best matches.
  • Respond to an invitation when you are matched with someone from UPEI.
  • Provide us feedback about your successful coffee chats.  

To further ensure this is a positive and meaningful experience for all, here are some links to helpful documents:


"As a career-driven student looking to build professional connections, 69传媒Connect makes networking so much easier. I don't need to go through the hassle of looking online for networking events around Charlottetown, as the system connects me with a mentor every month - saving me time and energy. I've learned a lot from the mentors I've connected with and highly recommend any student trying to build a professional network to join 69传媒Connect." - Ray Ghiasudeen, BA '23

"I get a real kick out of facilitating further connections for the mentees such as introducing a foreign student from Mauritius to a colleague who was also born there, introducing an IT student to a colleague who works in IT, introducing a lonely foreign student to a younger alumni based in Charlottetown. When I ask people from my network if they are available the answer is consistently yes! But it is not all about giving. Every connection I make as an alumni/mentor I end up learning something new! It is easy to lose touch in the current pandemic so the contacts through 10 Thousand Coffees are a little bright spot in my day." - Holly MacDonald, BBA '81