Lunch and Learn: Individualized Assessment in Larger Classes

Event Date:
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 11:31 am
Robertson Library
Teaching and Learning Centre, Robertson Library Annex, Room 230

Assessments in large classes often are a challenge to move beyond mid-term and final exams. Come to the TLC when Bob Deziel is going to share his experience with large classes, creating individualized assessments and projects for each person. Bob teaches a relatively large course (~130 students in Human Biochemistry), which does not have a lab nor tutorial component.  As a result, connecting with the students and crafting modes of assessment that go beyond tests can be a struggle.

One bonus optional assignment that has worked well, however, is having the students write an essay about a biochemical concept, typically a biochemical technique.  As part of the assessment, students meet with him in a one-on-one setting to share what they have learned, and he has a chance to ask them questions about their essays to ensure that they do understand the concept and what they've written. This assessment piece has worked well, has good student uptake, and has received positive feedback from the student participants.

Contact Name
Charlene VanLeeuwen