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Lunch and Learn - Grant Crafting for the Social Sciences and Humanities

Event Date:
Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 11:30 am
Robertson Library
Multipurpose Teaching and Learning Space (RL230)

Presented by:

  • Leslie Cudmore, Research Grants Coordinator, Office of Research Services
  • Tina Saksida, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business
  • Josh MacFadyen, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities

This session, which will take place on September 6 from 11:30 am–1:30 pm, will introduce common funding opportunities for applicants in the social sciences and humanities, discuss key components of grant applications, and provide grant writing tips for applicants. Drs. Saksida and MacFadyen, faculty members who have successfully received SSHRC funding and served on grant evaluation panels, will share their advice, experiences, and lessons learned.

To assist with session planning, please RSVP to