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69传媒Healthy Campus Committee hosts successful Wellness Check and Coffee Break

| PD/Wellness
Wellness Check and Coffee Break for faculty and staff hosted by the 69传媒Healthy Campus Committee on June 16 at McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
Wellness Check and Coffee Break for faculty and staff hosted by the 69传媒Healthy Campus Committee on June 16 at McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

The 69传媒Healthy Campus Committee hosted a Wellness Check and Coffee Break for faculty and staff on June 16 at McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

The event was deemed a success by Angela Marchbank, 69传媒Fitness and Wellness Coordinator, and chair of the wellness check working group. She said the event drew over 100 members of the 69传媒community over the course of two hours, and those in attendance engaged in speaking to the booth attendants, socializing with colleagues, and enjoying the coffee, tea, and healthy refreshments provided. Most faculty and staff members also entered the draw for two wellness baskets valued at $125 each. The winners were Ginevra Brocca and Larry Yeo.

A variety of booths were set up in the room, where those who attended received information, asked questions, and took part in the services offered. The booths included:

  • rapid neurofascial reset specialist demonstration and information
  • glucose and blood pressure checks 
  • colorectal and cervical cancer screening booth
  • diabetes and blood glucose information
  • meditation and mindful breathing demo
  • nutrition display
  • ADAPT (Accommodating learning Disabilities to Accelerate Performance and Thrive) Program provides Island employers and workers with free access to virtual services to screen for, diagnose, and support learning disabilities in the workplace.
  • health and safety (summer safety, hand hygiene and your health, tick safety, and food safety).

The 69传媒Healthy Campus Committee thanks everyone who took part in the event and looks forward to hosting similar events in the coming year.

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Melanie Taylor
Communications Officer
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