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69´«Ã½celebrates excellence of its faculty and staff

Recognizing outstanding performance and dedication
| University

UPEI’s annual Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit and 25-Year Service Awards were presented to faculty and staff at a ceremony on May 16, 2018. The awards, created by President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, recognize outstanding performance and dedication to students and our community on-campus, provincially, and globally.

Receiving Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Faculty and Librarians were the following:
• Scholarly Endeavours: Dr. Travis Saunders, Faculty of Science/Applied Human Sciences
• Combined Achievement: Dr. Dany MacDonald, Science/Applied Human Sciences; Dr. William Montelpare, Science/Applied Human Sciences, and Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health

Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Staff were presented in the following categories:
• Support of Student Success: Mary Mullen, English for Academic Preparation
• Volunteer and Community Service: Megan Glover, Science/Physics
• Exemplary Service: Joy McKinnon, English for Academic Preparation; Sharon Martin, Science/Biology; Lisa Sanderson, Sustainable Design Engineering; Blair Vessey, Information Technology Systems and Services
• Campus Spirit: Cathy Gillan, Experiential Education and Work-Integrated Learning

Receiving 25-Year Service Awards were Dr. Larry Hammell, Interim Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Associate Dean, AVC Graduate Studies and Research; Heather Keoughan, Registrar’s Office; Dr. Richard Kurial, Faculty of Arts/History; Jackie MacPhail, Facilities Management; Jane McKay, Office of the Dean of Arts; and Ricky Milton, AVC Hospital Administration.

The 69´«Ã½Student Union also presented awards at the event. David Varis, Arts, won the faculty prize, and Heidi MacDonald, Student Affairs, the staff award. Campus minister Sister Sue Kidd was presented with an honorary lifetime membership in the Student Union.

On May 9, the 69´«Ã½Faculty Association recognized the achievements of its members at its annual faculty recognition night:
• Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching: Dr. Henrik Stryhn, AVC/Health Management
• Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching (sessional): Dr. Laurie Brinklow, Arts/Institute of Island Studies
• Merit Awards for Outstanding Service: Dr. Lisa Chilton, Arts/History, and Dr. James Sentance, Arts/Economics
• Merit Awards for Scholarly Achievement: Dr. Udo Krautwurst, Arts/Sociology and Anthropology, and Dr. Shafiqul Islam, Science/Mathematical and Computational Sciences.

Recognized as retirees were Gwendolyn Cairns, Nursing; Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust and Dr. Paul Hanna, AVC/Pathology and Microbiology; Dr. Hans Gelens, AVC/Companion Animals; Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt, AVC/Health Management; and Dr. Richard Wills, Arts/Sociology and Anthropology.

Congratulations, everyone!


Anna MacDonald
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0949

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