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Research on Tap presents “Climate change: We're screwed, it's our fault, it's going to get worse, and there's nothing we can do about it.”

| Research

Research on Tap returns Thursday, September 21 at 6:30 pm at The Wave, the 69´«Ă˝campus pub in the WA Murphy Student Centre. Dr. Adam Fenech, professor of environmental studies and biology and director of the 69´«Ă˝Climate Lab, and will lead the discussion “Climate change: We're screwed, it's our fault, it's going to get worse, and there's nothing we can do about it.” 

As of late, it’s hard to avoid the discussion of climate change. “This summer over 1.2 million hectares of British Columbia and Alberta were engulfed in wildfires. Hurricane Harvey brought 1.3 meters of rainfall, making it the wettest tropical hurricane on record. Two weeks ago, Hurricane Irma became a Category 5 hurricane, causing catastrophic damages.” Dr. Fenech argues, “While it’s too early to attribute these events to climate change, climate experts are saying that it is very likely as the conditions required for these events are exacerbated under a changing climate.”

Research on Tap is a series of public discussions led by 69´«Ă˝researchers. For more information, please email


Brittany A. E. Jakubiec
Graduate Student Assocaition

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