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69´«Ã½Climate Lab to host breakfast seminar series with the Honourable David MacDonald

MacDonald to lead discussions on whether earth and humanity can survive the current geological age
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Join the Honourable David MacDonald as he leads discussions on topics around the theme of Now That’s a Really Great Question,“Can Mother Earth and her peoples survive and thrive in the Anthropocene?â€

These 69´«Ã½breakfast seminars will be held Tuesday mornings from 8:00 am to 10:00 am from July 4 to August 22 at 618 University Avenue, Charlottetown. The series is sponsored by the 69´«Ã½Climate Research Lab.

“David MacDonald has a prestigious history of working on the important issues that shape not only Prince Edward Island and the country of Canada, but also the world,†said Dr. Adam Fenech, director of the Climate Research Lab. “His detailed knowledge of the economic, social, and ecological sustainability of Prince Edward Island is unparalleled, and this series allows us all to learn from it.â€

Each seminar will have a different topic.

July 4, 2017
Are Oceans Us? The Climate/Ocean Crisis: How can we end the Global ‘Addiction’ to Fossil Fuels?

July 11, 2017
Is Politics the Art of the Deal? What is indispensable about Politics in our Global Village?

July 18, 2017
How can we create a Habitable, Thriving and Just Future?

July 25, 2017
Who’s Speaking, Who’s Listening, Who Cares? Why is the Medium really the Message?

August 1, 2017
Is Capitalism over? What are Healthy Models for a Caring Economy?

August 8, 2017
Why does our culture depend on Violence? If we love this Planet, can we Live in an age of Mass Destruction?

August 15, 2017
Why Racism? Its Roots and Branches—‘The African Condition’ meets ‘Black Lives Matter’

August 22, 2017
Is Reconciliation possible? Why do we need to ‘Unsettle the Settler’?

Register for individual seminars by contacting or 902-894-2852

David MacDonald grew up in Prince Edward Island. He is a graduate of Prince of Wales College, Dalhousie University, and Pine Hill Divinity Hall. He also holds several honorary degrees in law and divinity. He was ordained as a United Church Minister in June of 1961, serving as pastor of the United Church in Alberton, Prince Edward Island from 1962 to 1965.

He was elected as a Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament in 1965, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1979, and 1988; first, as the representative for western PEI, and second, for Rosedale (Toronto Centre). In 1979, he was appointed Secretary of State, Minister of Communications, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. In June 1997, he was the NDP candidate for Toronto Centre–Rosedale. In 1984, he was appointed Canadian Emergency Coordinator/African Famine and, in 1986, Canadian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti.

From 1989–1993, he chaired the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment, the ad hoc Parliamentary Committee on AIDS, and the House of Commons Liaison Committee. Since the early 1990s, he has been actively involved in a number of national and international organizations committed to just and sustainable communities, human rights, and peace. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Board of Directors for Faith and the Common Good, a national interfaith network and charitable organization. Since December 1998, he has served as Special Advisor on Indian Residential Schools for the United Church of Canada and, more recently, on Climate and Ocean Change.

The 69´«Ã½ prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—69´«Ã½has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. 69´«Ã½is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 620-5117

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