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2017 AVC winter webinars series wraps up March 7

| Atlantic Veterinary College

On Tuesday, March 7, the Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre will hold the final webinar in its 2017 winter webinar series, New Approaches to Old Diseases, from 1:00–2:00 pm AST.

Speakers Dr. Caroline Hewson and Dr. Christine Savidge will tie together the concepts illustrated in the first two webinars, using diverse clinical cases from their practice and submitted by webinar participants. As with the previous two webinars, this webinar gives participants one hour of CE.

In the first webinar, Dr. Hewson reviewed three core communication tools for delivering terminal diagnoses and creating workable clinical care plans with clients. She also introduced three other tools that provide a framework to help attendees and their clients to anticipate and respond with greater peace of mind, as the animal’s condition deteriorates, and to identify the right time to start talking about euthanasia and the animal’s end-of-life.

In the second webinar, Dr. Savidge used feline and canine cases of renal disease to illustrate different disease trajectories and how they can help veterinarians and clients anticipate and respond to an animal’s changing condition, as renal insufficiency progresses, and decide when or if intensive rescue treatment is desirable in uremic crises.

For more information, please visit . Registrants who are unable to attend a webinar at the scheduled time will be sent the link to view it after it has taken place.


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786

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