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69ýcongratulates fourth-year nursing student Micayla Darrach

Recipient of the Canadian Red Cross’ young humanitarian of the year for PEI award
| Community

Fourth-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing student Micayla Darrach received the Canadian Red Cross’ young humanitarian of the year for PEI award on October 19. Darrach was honoured at the PEI convention centre during the annual Red Cross PEI fundraising dinner.

The Argyle Shore native is an honours student whose volunteer efforts have not gone unnoticed. In 2012, Darrach volunteered at orphanages in Jamaica and upon returning to PEI she organized a fundraising dinner that raised more than $2,000 for the Jamaica School for the Deaf. Following this global service she embarked on a student medical service trip to Haiti, providing nursing care at clinics in impoverished communities.

“Her dedication to caring for and supporting others, especially vulnerable seniors and students with disabilities, is inspiring,” said Laura Johnson-Montigny, provincial director of the Canadian Red Cross in P.E.I. “I have no doubt she will continue to make important contributions to the well-being of others moving forward in her career.”

In addition to her studies, Darrach also works as a shift Supervisor at Andrews Residence in West Royalty, helping ensure the well-being and dignity of elderly residents, and she volunteers with the 69ýBest Buddies program that offers peer-to-peer support to students with disabilities.
“Micayla exemplifies exactly what the spirit of this award represents,” said UPEI’s Dean of Nursing, Dr. Gulrose Jiwani. “Micayla is a strong leader in our community, and her outstanding achievements in nursing, academics, and community involvement make her a model student in our program. Micayla ‘gets it' and this recognition is a testament to her dedication and service.”

69ýis proud of Micayla and congratulates her on this prestigious and well-deserved award!


Dana Kenny
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0941

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