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Recovered eagle released in Grand River

Back in the sky!
| Atlantic Veterinary College

A juvenile eagle was released in Grand River, PEI, on Wednesday, September 28, after a year-long journey back to health. Participating in the release were Nathan DesRoches, who found the bird a year ago near his home in Grand River, and Shane Waite, Jake Gallant, and Evan Blood, clients of Community Connections, a day service in Summerside for people with disabilities. The clients knew about the rescue or were there when the bird was rescued and have been following its progress back to health.

The eagle was found a year ago; it was emaciated, weak and had difficulty flying. It was very timid and kept its head. Because of this behaviour, it was tested for lead poisoning, but the test was negative. It was taken to the Atlantic Veterinary College where it received treatment for several weeks before being sent to Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Nova Scotia to gain flight muscle strength.

Also at the release were Dr. Helen von Doninck and Brenda Boates, Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre; Chuck Gallison, Fish and Wildlife PEI; and Fiep de Bie, wildlife technician, AVC. Read CBC PEI's story about the release .


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786

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