This News Story is more than 8 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Leap Year: Where Melodies Abound

| Music

On Monday April 11 at 7:30 pm join saxophonist Emily Proude and clarinettist Johanna Vessey for their Junior Recital in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall at UPEI. Pianist Frances McBurnie will collaborate with them as they perform works by Bach, Heiden, Pascal, Messager, Copland,and Semchyshyn. Dr. Richard Covey will also be assisting as a collaborative pianist for one of his own compositions.

Emily and Johanna are both completing their third year in the 69传媒Department of Music in Dr. Karem Simon's Woodwind Studio. Both were also two of the top three performers in the 2016 Dr. Frances Gray Performance Competition. Following this academic year, Johanna will be traveling to Saskatoon to participate in the 2016 National Youth Band of Canada, and Emily will be going to Zambia with the Poetice organization.

Admission is free and it is sure to be an evening of exciting music. All are welcome to attend.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 620-5117

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