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Master of Arts in Island Studies celebrates its scholarship winners

| Students

Master of Arts in Island Studies scholarship-winners were announced at the second annual Island Studies Open House on Friday, October 30.

They are (BACK ROW): Erin Rowan, Erwin and Joyce Andrew Memorial Scholarship in Island Studies International Island Award; Eric Gilbert, Dr. Peter and Mrs. Donna Meincke Graduate Scholarship in Island Studies; Mark Currie, The Bill and Denise Andrew Scholarship in Island Studies Gold Award; and Owen Jennings, 69传媒Entrance Scholarship; (FRONT ROW): Izumi Nonaka, Erwin and Joyce Andrew Memorial Scholarship in Island Studies Canadian Island Award; Jennifer White, 69传媒Entrance Scholarship; Stephanie Douglas, 69传媒Entrance Scholarship; and Pooja Kumar, Carnegie Foundation Graduate Scholarship in Island Studies. Missing from the photo: Sara Underwood, The Bill and Denise Andrew Scholarship in Island Studies Silver Award. In addition, Katharine MacDonald won the 2015-16 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 620-5117

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