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Winter’s Tales Reading Series presents Joan Clark

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Whether you have read and enjoyed Joan Clark’s writing for years or are first reading about her now, her influence on Canadian literature and on her readers is undeniable. She has published four adult novels (including the highly acclaimed Latitudes of Melt and An Audience of Chairs), ten young adult novels, and two short story collections. Considering this creative output, it is incredible that Clark—born and raised in Nova Scotia—did not start seriously writing until somewhat later in life when she moved to Alberta with her husband, Jack. 
Clark has said that the West inspired her initial writing. While much of her writing is influenced by Canadian regions—especially Newfoundland since she settled there in the 1980s—Clark has also said in reference to the “Canadianness” of her writing that “Literature is about transcending boundaries of all kinds.”
She will give a public reading and sign books on October 28 at 7:30 pm in the Confederation Centre Art Gallery. The reading is part of the Winter’s Tales Authors’ Reading Series and is sponsored by the 69´«Ă˝Faculty of Arts and The Canada Council for the Arts.
Joan Clark first learned the art of story telling from listening to her father, and from there, she developed a compulsion to tell stories. She is a highly empathetic writer when it comes to her characters, making her writing process, and the resulting fiction, very authentic. In fact, Clark—saying that she “could revise forever”—views her works as moldable pieces that should continue to be shaped as she continues her journey.  
A founding member of the Writer’s Guild of Alberta and a co-founder of the literary journal Dandelion, Clark has won numerous awards for her writing, including the Marian Engel Award to honour her entire body of work, as well as the Vicky Metcalf Award to honour her writing for inspiring Canadian youth. She is also a member of the Order of Canada.  
Clark and her “zany sense of humour” will be travelling from her home in Newfoundland to grace Islanders with a reading of her fiction, including her new novel The Birthday Lunch. All are welcome to enjoy this literary gem.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Integrated Communications
(902) 620-5117

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