This News Story is more than 9 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Welcome, Class of 2019

| Atlantic Veterinary College

The AVC community welcomed the Class of 2019 on Friday, August 28, at the College鈥檚 annual AVC-CVMA Blue Coat Ceremony. At the ceremony, the students are presented with blue lab coats, signifying the beginning of their four-year journey toward their doctor of veterinary medicine degrees. The students in the Class of 2019 settled into their studies quickly and are getting to know each other and their school. We are looking forward to a great year with all of our students! We thank the CVMA (Canadian Veterinary Medical Association) for supporting our incoming students at their Blue Coat Ceremony. 


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786

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