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"Island to island" benefit for Vanuatu

| International

The 69传媒Island Studies Student Association (ISSA) and the Institute of Island Studies (IIS) present an "Island to Island Benefit" for Vanuatu at Hot Shots Lounge on Longworth Avenue Saturday, May 2, starting at 8 p.m.

The island nation of Vanuatu was recently hit by Cyclone Pam, destroying much of its infrastructure and housing. 69传媒faculty member Dr. Jean Mitchell (Anthropology) has spent time researching on those islands, working with youth and locals. ISSA and the IIS want to connect Islanders here with Islanders there, to show our support and solidarity. Funds raised will support a youth project on the island of Tanna.

Says ISSA Acting President Katharine MacDonald, "After this winter, we know as Islanders how harsh weather can be. This season has been rough for Vanuatu as well. The students, faculty and staff in Island Studies want to show solidarity and support from Islanders to Islanders, and build some long-lasting relationships there. Dr. Mitchell has worked closely with the Cultural Centre on Tanna, and we're excited to help it support its community again."

Acts include Bonnie LeClair; Mike Mooney, Laurie Brinklow and Sean Kemp; Aster; Iain McCarvill; Pete Forbes and band; and Mitch Schurman.

Cover is by donation ($5 suggested); everyone nineteen and over is welcome!


Dave Atkinson
Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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