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69传媒Writer in Residence: Workshops and Reading

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One of Atlantic Canada's finest poets and creative writing teachers, Dr. Brian Bartlett, will be UPEI's writer in residence during March 11-14. Dr. Bartlett has also distinguished himself as an expert on nature writing, especially poetry with an environmental focus, sometimes called eco颅poetry.

Dr. Bartlett will read from his new book Ringing Here and There: A Nature Calendar on Thursday, March 12, at 7:30 pm in the Confederation Centre Art Gallery. His reading is hosted by the 69传媒English Department and Dean of Arts with support from The Canada Council for the Arts and the Art Gallery.

A professor of Creative Writing and Literature at Saint Mary's University, Dr. Bartlett will also give two workshops-nature writing and poetry-on Saturday, March 14 at UPEI. For further information about the workshops and to register, contact the English Department: or 566颅0389. His workshops are co颅sponsored by the PEI Writers' Guild and the 69传媒English Department and Dean of Arts.

Bartlett was born in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, grew up in Fredericton, lived for fifteen years in Montreal, and moved to Halifax in 1990. His poetry collections include The Afterlife of Trees and Wanting the Day: Selected Poems, which won the 2004 Atlantic Poetry Prize. A playful as well as serious poet, he wrote an entire chapbook of haiku about Charlie Chaplin, and used the haiku form to capture the cityscape of Halifax's West End: 'Oh for X颅rays to show / all the trees roots holding / these streets together.' Bartlett's poetry and workshops have that X颅ray quality.


Dave Atkinson
Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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