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69传媒Recital Series continues on Sunday, March 8

| Music

The 69传媒Recital Series continues on Sunday, March 8th at 2:30 pm with 'Prelude to Spring for Organ and Brass' at Trinity United Church, Prince Street, Charlottetown.

Organist Ruth Ann Read-Clay's solo work for this afternoon concert will include the Fantasie in G by J.S. Bach, Prelude by Pierne and works by Canadian composers Healey Willan and Mark Sirrett. The works for organ and brass, arranged by Dan St. Amand and Laura MacLeod, will include works by J.S. Bach, Handel, Charpentier, Albinoni and Jeremiah Clarke.

Ruth Ann Read-Clay studied organ with Dr. Alan Reesor and with Dr. John McIntosh (UWO) and is a graduate of the 69传媒Music Department. She pursued further studies in piano accompanying and chamber music at Acadia University and the University of Brandon. Ruth Ann has held positions as Music Director of churches in Fredericton, N.B., Brandon, Manitoba and in Charlottetown. She is an experienced accompanist and founder/conductor of The Amabile Singers, a Charlottetown based chamber choir.

Dan St. Amand holds degrees in music and education from UPEI. He has been principal trumpet with the PEISO since 1974, and performs regularly with the 69传媒Wind Ensemble and the Charlottetown Jazz Ensemble. Dan has performed with the orchestra at the Conderation Centre of the Arts and in Handel's Messiah. Retired after many years in the public school system, Dan continues to teach privately and is active as a free-lance musician both locally and off Island.

Laura MacLeod will be graduating from the 69传媒Music Department this spring. She is a member of the 69传媒Wind Symphony and was the featured soloist with the group this past November. She is also a member of the PEI Symphony, has performed with Confederation Brass for 8 years and was Principal Trumpet with the National Youth Band in 2011.

Filling out the brass ensemble will be Henry Orford (trumpet) and Daniel MacDonald (trombone). Henry is a grade 11 student at Colonel Gray High where he is part of the band program. He also plays with the 69传媒Wind Symphony and has performed with the PEISO. Daniel is a third-year music major at 69传媒where he performs with the 69传媒Wind Symphony, the 69传媒Jazz Band and as a member of the quintet Tonas Brass. He is also a member of the PEI Regiment Band and has performed for two seasons in bands for the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.

Tickets for the recital are $15 Adults/ $10 Seniors & Students and are available at the door or online at


Nicole Phillips
Integrated Communications

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