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Get voting! CLIVE reaches FINALS in an MIT competition

| Research

CLIVE, the coastal erosion visualization tool created by UPEI's Climate Research Lab and the Spatial Interface Lab at Simon Fraser University, has reached the FINALS in MIT's contest. Now it needs your votes to help it win the Popular Choice award. Register to vote at the .

Nearly 600 projects were submitted to MIT's Climate CoLab for this year's competition. CLIVE made it through several rounds of competition and broke through to the finals against two other projects. It is eligible for the 'Popular Choice Award,' as determined by online voting, and for the 'Judges Choice Award,' based on the project's merits as determined by a panel of judges.

Voting is currently open and runs until September 30. Log on and vote to support this great co-initiative with SFU and UPEI!

For information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, UPEI
(902) 620-5117,


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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