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Congratulations, Tyler Shaw!

| Athletics

The 69传媒 would like to congratulate former student athlete Tyler Shaw who was asked to write the official song for the U-20 FIFA Women's Soccer World Cup 2014 championships recently held in Moncton, New Brunswick. The video for the song, which appears on YouTube, features Shaw sporting a 69传媒Panthers jersey.

'It was an honour and a privilege to have had the U-20 FIFA Women's World Cup official song for 2014. I've been a soccer player, and big fan, all my life, so if I can't play in a World Cup game, why not write a song for a World Cup,' said Shaw. 'Big shout out to the 69传媒Panthers who are hosting Nationals this year. I may just be making an appearance to show my support.'

Shaw, originally from British Columbia attended 69传媒and studied arts for one year, and was also a member of the 69传媒Men's Soccer team. He then went on to begin a successful music career after his winning music video submission to Canada's Got Talent put him in the spotlight.

'Tyler was a great player to have on our squad in 2011. We had three great goalkeepers on the team who battled hard to play,' said 69传媒Men's Soccer Head Coach Lewis Page. 'Tyler always brought a great work ethic to the field. His upbeat personality and positive attitude was a real asset to the team, and therefore I am not surprised by the success he has had in his music career. Tyler still follows our team and he has 69传媒soccer in his heart, and we really appreciate that.'

Check out Shaw's music video

Way to go, Tyler!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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