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69传媒and the Old Belle River Church present encore performance

| Music

The Old Belle River Church and 69传媒will present an encore performance of A Solitary Clarinettist on Friday, July 25 at 8:00 pm. Performed by 69传媒clarinet professor Karem J. Simon, this performance is unique in that it will feature a diverse selection of music performed by one clarinettist only; no other collaborative musicians will be involved. This recital is an extraordinary experience as it blends the Old Belle River Church's remarkable acoustics with the comfort, ambiance, and intimacy so desired in the presentation of chamber music. In addition, the hospitality of owner Wendy Jones, a substantial visual artist herself, makes for a unique evening of entertainment.

Dr. Simon's recitals often feature music that uses the clarinet in unique ways. It stems from his philosophy that 'if you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space.' Accordingly, among the featured works is Half Moon at Checkerboard Mesa by Phillip Kent Bimstein. This work is a fantasy for clarinet, frogs, crickets, and coyotes. Fascinated with the sounds of nature, Bimstein sought to find means to integrate them with a live musician. He visited a canyon in Zion National Park in southern Utah where he digitally recorded the sounds of singing frogs, howling coyotes, crickets, rocks, thunder, and rushing water. The sounds were shaped and manipulated with the use of his computer and a synthesizer keyboard. Eventually, he produced a recorded track with the arrangement of sounds and composed a part for a musician to play live. It will be a fascinating aural experience for the audience.

The performance will begin with music from the Baroque era. While the clarinet had not yet been invented, Dr. Simon will perform a transcription of the two bour茅es from Bach's Cello Suite No. 3. Hungarian composer B茅la Kov脿cs will be featured as three of his Hommages, 'Bach,' 'Debussy,' and 'Richard Strauss' will be performed. Stravinsky's Three Pieces and a number of character pieces will be included.

The second half of the recital will begin with Gryphon, by American composer Theresa Martin. Exploring unusual colors through micro-tones, fluttertonguing, and growls, it captures the character and activity of this mythological beast. Another contemporary work, Dissonant Grooves, will conclude the program. Written by Minnesota guitarist Jeff Lambert, Grooves utilizes jazz rhythms, flutter tonguing, and multiphonics to create a relentlessly funky number.

Those who have attended recitals by Dr. Simon know that there is considerable audience engagement in his presentation. This may be the perfect opportunity for those unfamiliar with the classical music realm to experience the genre. Admission is by donation-$15 recommended. Guests are invited to bring their own beverages and snacks to add to their enjoyment.

For information:
Dr. Karem Simon, Professor, Department of Music, UPEI
(902) 566-0702 (work), (902) 892-5993 (home),


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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