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69传媒staff and faculty recognized at annual events

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UPEI's annual Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit and 25-Year Service awards were presented to staff and faculty at a special ceremony on Wednesday, May 7. The awards, created by 69传媒President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, recognize outstanding performance and dedication to students and our community-on-campus, provincially, and globally. Later that evening, the 69传媒Faculty Association and the Office of the President sponsored Faculty Recognition Night, which honours recipients of the Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 69传媒Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement.

The Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Faculty and Librarians are awarded based on teaching, scholarly endeavours, service, or combined achievement. Awards for librarians are based on exceptional performance, in one or more of professional practice, scholarly endeavours/professional development, and/or service. This year's award winners included:

Teaching: Dr. Doug Dahn, Science; Dr. Debbie MacLellan, Science; and Dr. Shannon Murray, Arts
Scholarly Endeavours: Dr. Jamie Burr, Science; Dr. Ian Gardner, AVC; and Dr. Edward MacDonald, Arts
Combined Achievement: Dr. Greg Doran, Arts.

69传媒staff were also recognized at the event through the Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Staff, which acknowledge staff for exemplary service, campus spirit, volunteer, and community service, and support and student success.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Campus Spirit is presented to a 69传媒employee who has fostered a sense of excitement on campus and promoted fellowship, goodwill, and belonging within the University community, by supporting and promoting UPEI, and was awarded to Ms. Angela Marchbank, Athletics and Recreation.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Exemplary Service is presented to a 69传媒employee who has demonstrated outstanding service and/or who has made significant contributions to the university community beyond that normally expected for his/her position. Recipients were Ms. Kate Graham, Applied Human Sciences; Ms. Debbie McKie, Human Resources; and Dr. Jerry Wang, International Relations.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Volunteer and Community Service recognizes and honours employees who demonstrate the 69传媒's commitment to community service through volunteer work, both on and/or off campus. Recipients were Mr. Doug Burton, Information Technology Systems and Services; and Ms. Sharon Thompson, Facilities Management.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Support of Student Success is presented to a 69传媒employee who has made significant contributions to higher education via supporting student success; it was awarded to Ms. Lori Cummings, Student Affairs.

25-Year Service awards were also presented by the University to Wendy Adams, Marc Beland, Glenda Clements-Smith, Barry Connell, Lisa Cox, Scott Cudmore, Jeffery Davidson, Mike Doiron, Don Doucette, Janos Fedak, Leah French, Debra Gallant, Denise Gaudet-McPhail, Michelle Gauthier, Paul Hanna, Bea Hartinger, Wendy Henderson, Paul Hobbs, Nancy Hogan, Barbara Horney, Stephen Howard, Don Hughes, Daniel Hurnik, Vickie Johnston, Lawrence LeClair, Alfonso Lopez, Lee MacDonald, Carol MacDonald, Neil MacLean, Heather MacSwain, Sharon Martin, Gary McBride, Carole McCarville, Cynthia McKenna, Ellen McMahon, Blain MacDonald, Kaye Rodd, Mark Ward, Stephen Webster, Glenda Wright, and Maciej Zawadzki.

During the Faculty Recognition Night event, the Hessian Award-granted to faculty members whose work has contributed to instructional excellence at UPEI-was awarded to Dr. Gordon MacDonald, Department of Math and Stats; and Ms. Amy MacFarlane, Business. In addition, a Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching by a sessional instructor was presented to Mr. Richard Schneider, Environmental Studies.

The final award of the evening was the Merit Award; intended to honour faculty members in scholarly research/and or artistic creation, and in doing so, inspire others to aspire to such achievement. This year's recipient was Dr. Spencer Greenwood, of the Atlantic Veterinary College.

Congratulations to all award winners!

69传媒President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz and Ms. Debbie McKie of Human Resources69传媒President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz and Ms. Debbie McKie of Human Resources


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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