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UPEI’s LMMI Conference: “L.M. Montgomery and War”

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UPEI's Lucy Maud Montgomery Institute (LMMI)'s 11th biennial conference-'L.M. Montgomery and War'-will take place June 25-29 in Charlottetown. The conference will include open discussions on war, conflict, the Canadian Home Front, gender roles, and more.

Keynote speakers include distinguished historian Jonathan Vance; Montgomery scholar, LMMI founder, and former 69´«Ă˝President, Elizabeth 'Betsy' Epperly; and Canada Research Chair Irene Gammel. In addition to the full conference program, there will also be a public exhibition at the Confederation Centre of the Arts Public Library entitled 'The Canadian Home Front: L.M. Montgomery's Reflections on The First World War,' curated by Dr. Laura Robinson of the Royal Military College. 'Maud of Leaskdale,' a fantastic one-woman play will also take place at the Carrefour Theatre in Charlottetown during the conference, and much more!

This year marks the 50th season for 'Anne of Green Gables - The Musical' for which keynote speaker Epperly is curating an exhibition for the Confederation Centre of the Arts, entitled 'This Anne Place: Anne of Green Gables as Idea, Book and Musical.' The LMMI is also inviting those with stories and/or collectibles related to Montgomery and/or the Canadian Home Front and the First World War to come forward and share them at a special digitization session offered in conjunction with the Public Library exhibition on Saturday, June 28 part of an online digital archive.

For more information on the Conference, please visit or contact conference coordinator Elizabeth DeBlois at


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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