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Participate in research on the effects of the active ingredient in chili peppers

| Research

Researchers at the 69传媒 are looking for volunteers to participate in one of two studies to evaluate the physiological effects of capsaicinoids-the active ingredient in chili peppers. Capsaicinoids are known for their ability to increase weight loss and cardiovascular health while decreasing appetite and pain.

A 12-week study will analyze the effect of capsaicinoids on metabolism (the use of fat or carbohydrates), weight, body composition, and cardiovascular function. A separate, two-week study will focus on the effects of capsaicinoids on exercise performance and endurance during a high intensity fitness test. Testing will take place at UPEI.

The project is looking for non-smoking, healthy male and female participants between the ages of 18 and 45. Participants will be given their test results as well as $50. All data collected will be confidential and anonymous.

For more information on the project, or to sign up, contact Dr. Pamela Arsenault at This research is carried out at UPEI's Department of Applied Human Sciences.

For information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications, UPEI
(902) 620-5117,


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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