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Research on Tap: The myth of chemical-free beer

| Research

At the next Research on Tap, join us for a discussion about science versus fear. Many companies bank on the popularity of 'all things natural' by advertising their products as being chemical free. Dr. Brian Wagner, professor of chemistry at UPEI, will lead a discussion entitled 'The myth of the chemical-free beer.'

The event begins at 7 pm, Tuesday, March 4 at The Pourhouse, above The Old Triangle Irish Alehouse in Charlottetown.

Research on Tap is a series of public discussions with 69传媒researchers. For more information, contact Dave Atkinson at 620-5117, or

For information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, UPEI
(902) 620-5117,


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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