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69传媒hosts Canadian Space Agency Astronaut David Saint-Jacques

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69传媒Student Affairs, in partnership with the Department of Physics, is pleased to host a presentation by Canadian Space Agency Astronaut David Saint-Jacques on Thursday, November 28 at 11:30 am in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre's McMillan Hall. Dr. Saint-Jacques will take attendees on the learning journey that led him to become a Canadian astronaut and talk about his training. He will also give an overview of Canadian Space Agency projects, and will share some insights on future opportunities for students.

Dr. Saint-Jacques was selected in 2009 as one of two members of the third Canadian Astronaut selection. He is one of 14 members of the 20th NASA astronaut class. In 2011, he graduated from Astronaut Candidate Training, and is now eligible for spaceflight. Also in 2011, he participated in the underwater mission, NEEMO 15 (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations), and in 2012, he participated in the European Space Agency's CAVES training.

Most recently, Dr. Saint-Jacques has been assigned as Crew Support Astronaut for Expedition 36/37 and is a Capcom at NASA's Mission Control Center, the voice between the ground and the International Space Station. He continues to build and maintain his skills through spacewalk, robotics, Russian and flight training.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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