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CFUW Charlottetown establishes graduate scholarships for 69传媒students

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The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Charlottetown-a national, non-profit organization of nearly 10,000 female university graduates across Canada-has established graduate scholarships for 69传媒students.

CFUW Charlottetown has committed over $300,000 for 69传媒students wishing to pursue their education in post-graduate programs. Beginning in January 2014, CFUW Charlottetown scholarships will be awarded to master's and/or doctoral students who are enrolled in or are applying to a graduate program on a full-time basis at UPEI, as well as 69传媒graduates who are pursuing graduate studies at another accredited Canadian university.

'It's been the mission of CFUW Charlottetown, over the past 60 years, to encourage and promote women's education, including our own,' said Maryanne Palmer, president of CFUW Charlottetown. 'We're very grateful for this opportunity to further the goals of the University and assure the continuation of our scholarship program.'

Upholding the commitment of the CFUW since 1919, preference of these graduate scholarships will be given to female students.

Two new graduate scholarships will be established-The Canadian Federation of University Women Charlottetown Graduate Scholarship in Arts or Education, awarded to an eligible student who is pursuing a graduate degree in the area of arts or education; and The Canadian Federation of University Women Charlottetown Graduate Scholarship in Science or Nursing, awarded to an eligible student pursing a graduate degree in the area of science (including veterinary science) or nursing.

'I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to CFUW Charlottetown for their generous financial contribution and collaboration with 69传媒to establish these two new scholarships,' said Dr. Brian Wagner, UPEI's assistant vice-president, graduate studies. 'Graduate scholarships such as these are essential to the continued growth of our graduate studies programs at 69传媒as they provide direct financial support for graduate students, which is so important. These scholarships will have a direct impact on the lives of the graduate students who receive them, and will help to encourage students to undertake studies at the graduate level.'

69传媒held a special thank-you reception on Thursday, June 6 to recognize CFUW Charlottetown for their generous contribution to 69传媒students.

CFUW provides its members with an opportunity to enjoy fellowship, to be stimulated and informed, to promote education through the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and grants, and to improve the status of women and human rights in general.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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