This News Story is more than 11 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Attention business owners! Need some extra help this summer?

| Students

Are you looking to add value to your organization? If so, this is your opportunity to participate in a rewarding and meaningful program that will allow you to expand your workforce with energetic, bilingual students, at little cost to your business.

UPEI's Languages at Work program-a part of the Explore Program-takes place from July 1-August 23, and you are invited to get involved by hiring a qualified bilingual student eager to improve their language skills in a work environment.

Not only does this program provide students with an excellent opportunity to be immersed in their second language, it also gives employers the opportunity to hire these employees at a lower cost during the peak tourist season as the students' salaries (plus benefits) are funded 60% by the program!

Interested employers must provide students with a meaningful work experience, along with appropriate guidance and orientation, for 35 hours of work per week. For more information, contact Emily Younie, 69传媒Languages at Work Project Officer, at (902) 566-0579 or


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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