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Faculty and staff awarded with Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit

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This year's Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit and 25-year Service awards were presented to staff and faculty at a special ceremony on Monday, May 6. The awards recognized outstanding performance and dedication to students and our community-on-campus, provincially, and globally.

The Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Faculty and Librarians are awarded based on teaching, scholarly endeavours, service, or combined achievement. Awards for librarians are based on exceptional performance, in one or more of professional practice, scholarly endeavours/professional development, and/or service. The following is a list of faculty and librarian award winners: Teaching: Dr. Susan Dawson, Dr. James Polson, Ms. Charlene VanLeeuwen; Scholarly Endeavours: Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino, Dr. Dany MacDonald, Dr. Larry Hammell, Dr. Kate Tilliczek, Dr. John Vanleeuwen; and Service: Dr. Sheldon Opps.

The Presidential Recognition Awards of Merit for Staff acknowledge staff for exemplary service, campus spirit, volunteer and community service, and support and student success. This year's recipients are from a variety of different departments and areas.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Campus Spirit is presented to a 69传媒employee who has fostered a sense of excitement on campus and promoted fellowship, goodwill, and belonging within the University community, by supporting and promoting UPEI, was awarded to Mr. Rocky Paquet, Facilities Management.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Exemplary Service is presented to a 69传媒employee who has demonstrated outstanding service and/or who has made significant contributions to the university community beyond that normally expected for his/her position. This year's recipients are Ms. Virginia Sheehan, Facilities Management and Mr. Gerard Burge, ITSS.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Volunteer and Community Service recognizes and honours an employee who demonstrates the 69传媒's commitment to community service through volunteer work, both on and/or off campus. Mr. Roland MacSwain, from Facilities Management received this year's honour in recognition of the countless volunteer hours he has given to minor hockey.

The Presidential Recognition Award of Merit for Support of Student Success is presented to a 69传媒employee who has made significant contributions to higher education via supporting student success. This year's recipient is Ms. Anne Bartlett, from Student Affairs.

25-year Service awards were also presented at the ceremony. This is an incredible staff achievement that is recognized by certificates and 25-year Service watches. The University recognized the following for their commitment and dedication:

Donna Barnes, David Buck, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Robert Doiron, Sherman Elderkin, Debbie Gass, Cheryl Gaudet, Betty Gregan, Stephen Hughes, Allan Keoughan, Jeanne L枚fstedt, Robert L枚fstedt, Dawna Lund, Lorraine Lund, Jennifer MacDonald, John MacDougall, Kathy MacKenzie, Dianne MacLean, Rosemary MacIver, Christopher McQuaid, Susan O'Connor, Arthur Ortenburger, Robert Page, Kenneth Parry, Linda Ruschkowski, Rita Saunders, David Seeler, Darcy Shaw, Elizabeth Spangler, Wayne Squarebriggs, Andrew Tasker, and Allen Veale.

Congratulations to all award recipients!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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