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Congratulations Miles!

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The following was distributed by Canadian Parents for French PEI:

Canadian Parents for French PEI, a branch of a National network of volunteers which promotes and creates opportunities for Canadian youth to learn and use French as a second language, has announced the winner of its Educator of the Year Award for the past year. The award is presented annually to a person who has shown exceptional support and dedication to the quality and availability of French language programs in PEI schools. This year's recipient is 69传媒Dean of Education Miles Turnbull.

Since 2002, Dr. Miles Turnbull has worked in and provided leadership to UPEI's pre-service and graduate programs. He was coordinator of the bachelor of education-fran莽ais langue seconde from 2002-2010. As coordinator of graduate studies from 2008-2011 he led in establishing the PhD in educational studies, and a special cohort of the MEd program for community college educators. Turnbull is a past-president of the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) and before joining the faculty at UPEI, was an assistant professor in the modern language centre at OISE-University of Toronto, and worked in core and immersion French programs in three Canadian provinces. He has his BA (French) from UPEI, MA (脡tudes fran莽aises in teaching French as a second language) from McMaster University, and PhD in Second Language Education from the University of Toronto. Miles was nominated by Bernie P茅pin, Pamela Kennedy and Julie Gagnon.
He will be presented his award on May 16 at UPEI's Faculty Lounge in Main Building at 4 pm. As part of the award, Dean Turnbull received a Mimeo Teach Interactive System; technology that turns any white board into an interactive board.
Congratulations Miles!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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