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69ýalumnus Bob Hanf presents “Leadership, A Call to Service”

| Alumni

69ýalumnus Bob Hanf will present 'Leadership, A Call to Service' on Tuesday, March 5, 1:00-2:15 pm in the Duffy Science Centre, Room 135, as part of the University 100 Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series-Winter 2013.

Hanf was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Nova Scotia Power Inc. in January 2013. Prior to his new position at Nova Scotia Power, Bob was Executive Chairman, Light and Power Holdings, and Director, Barbados Light & Power; Chief Legal Officer for Emera Inc. and Chief Executive Officer of Bangor Hydro; General Counsel for Emera and its affiliates; and was Partner with the law firm McCarthy Tétrault LLP.

A native of Nova Scotia, Hanf is a graduate of Dalhousie University Law School and is currently completing his master of divinity at the Atlantic School of Theology. He obtained his bachelor of arts in philosophy from the 69ý.

The University 100 Vern Smitheram and Andy Robb Leadership Development Series-Winter 2013, on the theme of 'Leadership, A Call to Service' is an opportunity to engage students and the community in important conversations about the theory and practice of leadership.

For more information, contact Inge Dorsey, University 100, at


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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